Meal Prep

Meal Prep

Here you will find a large selection of products that enable you to prepare meals perfectly equipped! Starting with great books with recipe ideas to the right storage containers and lunch boxes.

GU - Low Carb Meal Prep GU - Low Carb Meal Prep
GU - Low Carb Meal Prep
Die Lunchpause könnte das Highlight im Büroalltag sein, aber die Kantine bietet meist Einerlei, und der Kohlenhydrate-Overkill von Schnitzel & Co. öffnet dem Nachmittags-Tief Tür und Tor. Selbstgemachte Mahlzeiten, wo man weiß, was drin ist und sicher ist, dass es schmeckt, sind die gesunde Alternative. Low Carb Meal Prep von GU kommt Vielbeschäftigten im Jobstress entgegen. Nach dem Motto: Einmal kochen, viermal genießen, bietet es zeitsparende, einfache Rezepte zum Vorkochen und Variieren. Step-Fotos und clevere Tipps zu Einkauf, Aufbewahrung und Transport machen auch Anfängern den Einstieg in den jobkompatiblen Low-Carb-Trend leicht. Jede Woche steht eine Grundzutat im Mittelpunkt, Brokkoli, Paprika, Polenta oder Quinoa zum Beispiel, die bunt und abwechslungsreich an vier aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen ganz fix und schnell neu kombiniert werden, als Curry, Puffer oder Bowl, mal veggie, mal mit Fisch oder Fleisch. So lässt sich federleicht lunchen – und dem Mittagstief wird gekündigt!144 Seiten, SoftcoverLena Merz, 1987 in Kirchheimbolanden geboren, ist seit Jahren ein leidenschaftlicher Foodie. Als Saisongärtnerin, Bücherwurm, Naturliebhaberin und Bloggerin widmet sie sich dem Thema Essen und Rezeptentwicklung aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln heraus. Seit 2018 schreibt sie bei GU erfolgreiche Kochbücher – ob über Meal Prep, also dem zeitgemäßen Vorkochen von Gerichten zum Mitnehmen, oder zusammen mit Annina Schäflein über breifreie Kost für Babys.

GU - Meal Prep GU - Meal Prep
GU - Meal Prep
Gut vorbereitet ist halb gekocht! Sind Kühlschrank, Gefriertruhe und Vorratsdosen einmal gefüllt, ist das Kochen und Kombinieren ein Kinderspiel. Der GU-KüchenRatgeber Meal Prep zeigt, wo Kochen für jeden Tag beginnt: mit dem 1×1 der cleveren Vorbereitung. Einmal Schnibbeln, Mixen, Vorbereiten und Frischhalten genügt, dann lassen sich Pizza, Pasta, Crêpes und Aufläufe, Quiches und Currys, Salate und Bowls, Puddings, Muffins, Cookies oder Waffeln ganz leicht und ohne Aufwand superfrisch in Windeseile fertigstellen. Der Pizzabäcker im Restaurant macht’s auch nicht anders: bereitet alles vor, und eins, zwei, drei ist die Pizza belegt und brutzelt im Ofen! Mit Meal Prep klappt das auch daheim – schnell, gesund und einfach lecker!64 Seiten, KlappenbroschurFormat: 16,50 x 20 cmLena Merz, 1987 in Kirchheimbolanden geboren, ist seit Jahren ein leidenschaftlicher Foodie. Als Saisongärtnerin, Bücherwurm, Naturliebhaberin und Bloggerin widmet sie sich dem Thema Essen und Rezeptentwicklung aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln heraus. Seit 2018 schreibt sie bei GU erfolgreiche Kochbücher – ob über Meal Prep, also dem zeitgemäßen Vorkochen von Gerichten zum Mitnehmen, oder zusammen mit Annina Schäflein über breifreie Kost für Babys.

GU - Meal Prep GU - Meal Prep
GU - Meal Prep
Meal Prep? Ein cleverer Fall von 1 × Kochen, 4 × Schlemmen! Meal-Prep-Videos werden auf Youtube hunderttausendfach geklickt - kein Wunder, wenn man sieht, wie einfach, schnell und lecker Vorkochen sein kann. Ob bunte Bowl, leckerer Salat, würziges Nudelgericht oder wärmende Suppe: Mit nur 1 × Kochen sind 4 Portionen fertig - und die warten dann gut verpackt im Kühlschrank auf Ihren Einsatz in der Mittagspause. Versprochen: In maximal 1 Stunde pro Woche sind alle Portionen fertig! Damit’s nicht jeden Tag gleich schmeckt, werden die Gerichte für jeden Tag raffiniert variiert. Einfachheit ist bei diesem Meal-Prep-Buch oberstes Gebot: Darum eignen sich Zutaten, die easy auf einem Blech gegart oder nur kurz in der Pfanne gebraten werden für unsere Rezepte am allerbesten. Jedes Rezept ergibt 4 Gerichte für 4 Mittagspausen: Ganz ohne umständliche Wochenpläne, Einfrieren, Mehrfachkochen oder Lagerhaltung. 1 × Kochen - 4 × Mittagessen to go: So geht Mittagspause heute!144 Seiten, SoftcoverLena Merz, 1987 in Kirchheimbolanden geboren, ist seit Jahren ein leidenschaftlicher Foodie. Als Saisongärtnerin, Bücherwurm, Naturliebhaberin und Bloggerin widmet sie sich dem Thema Essen und Rezeptentwicklung aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln heraus. Seit 2018 schreibt sie bei GU erfolgreiche Kochbücher - ob über Meal Prep, also dem zeitgemäßen Vorkochen von Gerichten zum Mitnehmen, oder zusammen mit Annina Schäflein über breifreie Kost für Babys.

GU - Meal prep for mums GU - Meal prep for mums
GU - Meal prep for mums
Meal Prep ist im Trend - und super praktisch, gerade für Mamis! Finden Schauspielerin Laura Osswald und Meal-Prep-Bloggerin Lena Merz und nehmen gestresste Mütter, die wenig Zeit, aber Lust auf gutes Essen haben, mit auf die perfekte Meal-Prep-Reise. So wird ein Tag pro Woche zum Kochtag - und schon füllen sich Kühlschrank und Tiefkühltruhe mit Kartoffelpuffern, Ratatouille oder Frühstücksmuffins in kindgerechten Portionen. Und Sie? Sind den Rest der Woche ganz entspannt, dank des guten Gefühls, jederzeit etwas Leckeres für Ihren Schatz aus Kühlschrank oder Tiefkühltruhe zaubern zu können. In Meal Prep für Mamis finden Sie nicht nur Rezepte für jede Jahreszeit und Kinderhits, die rund ums Jahr schmecken, sondern erfahren von den beiden Meal-Prep-Profis auch die besten Tipps und Tricks rund ums Vorkochen, Einfrieren und Aufwärmen. Egal, ob Frühstück oder Abendessen, schnelles Mittagessen oder süßer Snack zwischendurch: Mit diesen Gerichten wird das Essen für die Kleinen zum Kinderspiel!160 Seiten, SoftcoverLena Merz, 1987 in Kirchheimbolanden geboren, ist seit Jahren ein leidenschaftlicher Foodie. Als Saisongärtnerin, Bücherwurm, Naturliebhaberin und Bloggerin widmet sie sich dem Thema Essen und Rezeptentwicklung aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln heraus. Seit 2018 schreibt sie bei GU erfolgreiche Kochbücher - ob über Meal Prep, also dem zeitgemäßen Vorkochen von Gerichten zum Mitnehmen, oder zusammen mit Annina Schäflein über breifreie Kost für Babys.

GU - One Pot Meals GU - One Pot Meals
GU - One Pot Meals
Quick, quick, one-pot meals: on the plate in a flashWhat is the new generation of fast food called? One Pot Meals! They are the most ingenious invention in the fast food kitchen. Whether rice, quinoa, potatoes, pumpkin, lentils, chickpeas or noodles - all the ingredients simply end up in a pot and simmer gently. After all, the kitchen doesn't have to be hectic just because you want to cook quickly. There's no quicker and more relaxed way to get full. There are new creations to discover every day in the GU kitchen guide One Pot Meals: ratatouille pasta with ricotta, aubergine and lentil curry, peanut and chicken pot with sweet potatoes - everything your heart desires! Oh, and you'll never have to argue about who does the washing up again. After all, there's only one pot left to wash - and that really almost takes care of itself.64 pages, gatefold brochureMartina Kittler

GU - Vegane One-Pot-Meals GU - Vegane One-Pot-Meals
GU - Vegane One-Pot-Meals
Vegane Küche kennenlernen, sich in den gesunden Kochtrend verlieben - und gemeinsame Sache machen? Der KüchenRatgeber „Vegane One-Pot-Meals“ ist das Dating Portal zweier Erfolgstypen: Tierfreie Ernährung trifft stressfreien Genuss! Einen Topf, eine Pfanne, ein Ofenblech - mehr braucht es nicht, um Appetit auf Mehr zu machen. Dazu blitzschnelle, einfache Rezepte, so bunt und verführerisch, dass auch Nicht-Veganer*innen garantiert neugierig werden. Kichererbsen-Tahin-Topf, Gnocchi-Pilz-Ragout oder geröstete Süßkartoffeln mit Hummus feiern den gesunden Minimalismus in der Küche: Null Aufwand, null Abwasch und maximaler Ess-Spaß für die Familie, Freundes- und Gästerunde. Könnte glatt eine Liebe fürs ganze Leben werden!64 Seiten, KlappenbroschurMaße: 16.5 × 20 cmCorinna  Schober studierte Germanistik und Kunstgeschichte und arbeitet als Bloggerin und Foodjournalistin. Aus Liebe zu den Tieren ernährt sie sich seit ihrer Kindheit fleischlos und seit einigen Jahren vegan. Im Jahr 2016 hat sie den Foodblog gegründet, auf dem sie ihre besten veganen Back-und Kochrezepte teilt.

Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs. Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs.
Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs.
The TO-GO cutlery set consists of a knife, fork and spoon made of 18/8 stainless steel, as well as a practicalprotective/transport cover made of plastic. The materials used are of course food-safe, tasteless and BPA-free.So you can enjoy without hesitation!The protective cover offers you several advantages. Thanks to it, the cutlery does not get lost so easily, as it keeps everything compactly together. In addition, you protect sensitive items such as your smartphone, tablet, camera or whatever else you have with you when you're out and about. And after use, you can take the used cutlery home spill-free without dirtying your bag.BPA-free = enjoy without worryCompact and lightweight transport box (17.8 x 5 x 2.3cm / 140g)Set of 3 with knife, fork, spoonThree cool lacquer finishes (anthracite, gold, bronze)Robust 18/8 stainless steel

Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs. Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs.
Lurch - Cutlery-TO-GO stainless steel 3pcs.
The TO-GO cutlery set consists of a knife, fork and spoon made of 18/8 stainless steel, as well as a practicalprotective/transport cover made of plastic. The materials used are of course food-safe, tasteless and BPA-free.So you can enjoy without hesitation!The protective cover offers you several advantages. Thanks to it, the cutlery does not get lost so easily, as it keeps everything compactly together. In addition, you protect sensitive items such as your smartphone, tablet, camera or whatever else you have with you when you're out and about. And after use, you can take the used cutlery home spill-free without dirtying your bag.BPA-free = enjoy without worryCompact and lightweight transport box (17.8 x 5 x 2.3cm / 140g)Set of 3 with knife, fork, spoonThree cool lacquer finishes (anthracite, gold, bronze)Robust 18/8 stainless steel

Lurch - Iso sleeves black for stainless steel bottle
Lurch - Iso sleeves black for stainless steel bottle
You protect and care for what is precious to you, what you use every day, so that you can enjoy it for longer.That's why we offer the insulated cover for EDS bottles to protect the fine finish of your stainless steel bottle.Since the Lurch stainless steel bottles are available in many different colors, we have opted for a stylish, simple design. The black color of the sleeves matches every bottle color and every outfit! To protect the coating of your stainless steel bottleIdeal for use in drink holders in the car or on the bikeLacing with drawstringmaterial: 90% neoprene 10% polyestersizes: 0,35l, 0,5l, 0,75lWashable (hand wash 30°C)

Lurch - Lunch bag with napkin 35x35cm Lurch - Lunch bag with napkin 35x35cm
Lurch - Lunch bag with napkin 35x35cm
Picnic, work or school - modern people travel a lot and like to take their meals with them.For this reason, Lurch has expanded its to-go range and added hip neoprene lunch bags and napkins to our numerous insulating bottles made of stainless steel. The new picnic bags have a practical handle on the top as well as an adjustable shoulder strap, which offers you a comfortable fit even over longer distances.Picnic bag in the dimensions 17 x 22 x 17 cmIdeal for taking meals with you for a picnic, to work or to schoolCan be used as a picnic blanket or mat by fully opening the zipsPerfect in combination with our stainless steel lunch boxes and bottles with insulating sleevesMade of easy-care neoprene, weighs only 232 gAs a material for the lunch bag, Lurch has used the neoprene popular with all water and outdoor athletes. Thanks to its insulating properties, neoprene is ideal for on the go and copes well with warm and cold temperatures. Your food is therefore optimally protected from external weather influences such as harmful UV radiation.As soon as you have arrived with your loved ones in the park, forest or your desired travel destination, you can quickly open the bag completely using the two sturdy zippers. This makes it perfect as a picnic blanket for your food and drink. And if there is not enough space, you can use the napkin included in the scope of delivery.

Lurch - Picnic Spike Set of 4 Lurch - Picnic Spike Set of 4
Lurch - Picnic Spike Set of 4
The LURCH picnic spike is the ideal companion for a picnic in the countryside. Simply stick it into the ground and you have a mini table.This way you can keep your glasses from tipping over and your sandwiches from ants. After the picnic, it can be easily unscrewed, stored in a space-saving way and at home you can clean it in the dishwasher.set of 4 with the colours yellow, blue, pink and violetideal for meals in the countryside when camping, picnicking or hikingstorage for drinks and foodsize: H 10 cm Ø 10 cmmaterial: plasticdishwasher safe

Lurch - thermo mug THE ONE 0,4l Lurch - thermo mug THE ONE 0,4l
Lurch - thermo mug THE ONE 0,4l
There are things in life that you buy and never want to do without. If you got to know our insulating mug THE ONE, you will definitely feel the same way.Double-walled stainless steel mug for hot or cold drinks - ideal for beer, long drinks, cocktails, coffee or teaThanks to the double-wall insulation, cold beverages are not warmed up by the warmth of your hands and the insulation protects your hands with hot drinksHigh quality 18/8 stainless steelModern design and pleasantly grippy surfaceAvailable in different colorsTHE ONE is a thermo mug ...... which keeps the temperature of your favorite drink inside. In short: it keeps hot things hot longer and cold things cold longer. Whether a cool beer in summer or a warm punch in winter - with THE ONE you can enjoy your drink at the desired temperature.The secret is its double-walled stainless steel construction. This maintains the temperature inside without releasing it to the outside. The mug can be held comfortably and protects the hands against burning or freezing.The neoprene coat in the trendy mandala design gives the bottle style and that certain something. Thanks to its non-slip surface, it lies comfortably in the hand, does not slip and is optimally protected in every position.At the same time, the jacket forms an insulating layer that maintains the temperature of the drinks inside without releasing them to the outside. The bottle can be comfortably gripped even with hot coffee or tea.

monbento - Furoshiki Constellation quadr. Transport cloth monbento - Furoshiki Constellation quadr. Transport cloth
monbento - Furoshiki Constellation quadr. Transport cloth
For this year's Christmas party, immerse yourself in Japanese tradition with the MB Furoshiki Constellation! The knot technology allows easy packing, protection and transport of your personal belongings including lunch in the MB Original!The stars matching the MB Original Constellation wrap you in a warm cocoon during lunch! The square cloth made from recycled materials is ideal for transporting the bento box, but can also be used as a placemat or gift wrap.Machine washable (30 ° C)IronableProduct dimensions: 50 x 50 cmProduct weight: 45 g1 square cloth (recycled polyester and cotton) 

monbento - Lid for MB Square - Lunch Box Graphic Jungle
monbento - Lid for MB Square - Lunch Box Graphic Jungle
The top lid is placed on the container(s) that make up your MB Square. Its hard shell holds MB Pocket or MB Pocket Color cutlery and MB Pair chopsticks for on-the-go use and prevents any damage or loss during transport while optimising space in the bag. This key element of the monbento box design is available in Graphic finishes to give your bento a personal touch that suits you! Features: BPA free Suitable for food Suitable for bento box MB Square Dimensions: 140 x 140 x 15.3 mm

monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box cinnamon Fox monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box cinnamon Fox
monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box cinnamon Fox
Let's go on an adventure with the MB Capsule! This insulated lunch box made of stainless steel keeps soups, delicious desserts and other sweet snacks warm or cold for up to 5 hours (depending on the content and conditions of use).Whether for a small break in the morning, in addition to lunch or as a snack, this small insulated box is easy to transport thanks to its rounded shape, its compact design and its low weight.IsothermalDishwasher safe (without lid)HermeticallyBPA freeSuitable for foodProduct dimensions: Ø 8.8 x H 11.8 cmContents: 280 mlProduct weight: 290 gPowerfulMicrowaves or refrigerators are no longer necessary! This small isothermal bento box with its adapted capacity keeps its contents warm or cold for up to 5 hours.Compact and lightIdeal for short breaks on hikes or at work! Thanks to its rounded shape and light weight, it can easily be taken on any adventure.Hermetically sealedOn the go with safety! With its screw cap and silicone seal, the MB Capsule is perfectly hermetically sealed.construction1 container (stainless steel 18/8)1 lid (stainless steel 18/8 + PP)1 seals (silicone)Some tips to optimize the thermal performance of the product:Preheat / cool container before use: fill with boiling / cold water and close with the lid. Wait at least 30 seconds. Press the middle button, unscrew the lid and drain the water.Fill the bento with a hot / cold item. If it needs to be reheated before putting it in the bento, place the casserole dish in the microwave to achieve a more homogeneous temperature and maintain optimal heat.Fill the bento completely: the fuller it is, the more effective it is at maintaining temperature.After filling, close the lid quickly to limit the loss of heat / cold.Close the lid tightly.Avoid opening the bento before eating: every opening causes a loss of heat / cold.Prefer sliced ​​foods over large parts.Storage at room temperature (at least 21 ° C) to keep it warm / cool (maximum 15 ° C) or cold.Mix well before consumption so that the temperature of the food becomes more even.

monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box green Raccoon monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box green Raccoon
monbento - MB Capsule - insulated lunch box green Raccoon
Let's go on an adventure with the MB Capsule! This insulated lunch box made of stainless steel keeps soups, delicious desserts and other sweet snacks warm or cold for up to 5 hours (depending on the content and conditions of use).Whether for a small break in the morning, in addition to lunch or as a snack, this small insulated box is easy to transport thanks to its rounded shape, its compact design and its low weight.IsothermalDishwasher safe (without lid)HermeticallyBPA freeSuitable for foodProduct dimensions: Ø 8.8 x H 11.8 cmContents: 280 mlProduct weight: 290 gPowerfulMicrowaves or refrigerators are no longer necessary! This small isothermal bento box with its adapted capacity keeps its contents warm or cold for up to 5 hours.Compact and lightIdeal for short breaks on hikes or at work! Thanks to its rounded shape and light weight, it can easily be taken on any adventure.Hermetically sealedOn the go with safety! With its screw cap and silicone seal, the MB Capsule is perfectly hermetically sealed.construction1 container (stainless steel 18/8)1 lid (stainless steel 18/8 + PP)1 seals (silicone)Some tips to optimize the thermal performance of the product:Preheat / cool container before use: fill with boiling / cold water and close with the lid. Wait at least 30 seconds. Press the middle button, unscrew the lid and drain the water.Fill the bento with a hot / cold item. If it needs to be reheated before putting it in the bento, place the casserole dish in the microwave to achieve a more homogeneous temperature and maintain optimal heat.Fill the bento completely: the fuller it is, the more effective it is at maintaining temperature.After filling, close the lid quickly to limit the loss of heat / cold.Close the lid tightly.Avoid opening the bento before eating: every opening causes a loss of heat / cold.Prefer sliced ​​foods over large parts.Storage at room temperature (at least 21 ° C) to keep it warm / cool (maximum 15 ° C) or cold.Mix well before consumption so that the temperature of the food becomes more even.

monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox
monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox
Microwave or refrigerator are no longer necessary with the isothermal bento box MB Element and its beautiful silver reflections: It keeps your meal warm or cold for up to 10 hours (depending on the contents and use).The resistant bento doesn't shy away from adventure! With its compact shape and low weight, it can follow you on all adventures: lunch in the office, winter hikes or swimming trips!IsothermalDishwasher safe (without lid)HermeticallyBPA freeSuitable for foodProduct dimensions: Ø 12.7 x H 13.4 cmContents: 550 mlProduct weight: 384 gPowerfulMicrowave or refrigerator are no longer necessary! This lunch box will keep the meal warm or cold for up to 10 hours. Ideal for hiking or to eat at work. Compact and lightThis is THE partner for all your ventures! With an optimized shape and weight, the Bento fits easily in your pocket without being noticeable.Hermetically sealedNo more meals that leak to the bottom of the bag! With its wide screw thread and silicone seal, the MB element is perfectly hermetically sealed: it can be taken anywhere, completely carefree.construction1 lid (PP)1 container (stainless steel 316)1 seals (siliconeSome tips to optimize the thermal performance of the product:Preheat / cool container before use: fill with boiling / cold water and close with the lid. Wait at least 30 seconds. Press the middle button, unscrew the lid and drain the water.Fill the bento with a hot / cold item. If it needs to be reheated before putting it in the bento, place the saucepan in the microwave oven to achieve a more homogeneous temperature and maintain optimal heat.Fill the bento completely: the fuller it is, the more effective it is at maintaining temperature.Close the lid quickly after filling in order to limit the loss of heat / cold.Close the lid tightly.Avoid opening the bento before eating: every opening causes a loss of heat / cold.Prefer sliced ​​foods over large parts.Storage at room temperature (at least 21 ° C) to keep it warm / cool (maximum 15 ° C) or cold.Mix well before consumption so that the temperature of the food is more even.

monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox Graphic Birds monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox Graphic Birds
monbento - MB Element - Isothermal Lunchbox Graphic Birds
Microwave or refrigerator are no longer necessary with the isothermal bento box MB Element and its beautiful silver reflections: It keeps your meal warm or cold for up to 10 hours (depending on the contents and use).The resistant bento doesn't shy away from adventure! With its compact shape and low weight, it can follow you on all adventures: lunch in the office, winter hikes or swimming trips!IsothermalDishwasher safe (without lid)HermeticallyBPA freeSuitable for foodProduct dimensions: Ø 12.7 x H 13.4 cmContents: 550 mlProduct weight: 384 gPowerfulMicrowave or refrigerator are no longer necessary! This lunch box will keep the meal warm or cold for up to 10 hours. Ideal for hiking or to eat at work. Compact and lightThis is THE partner for all your ventures! With an optimized shape and weight, the Bento fits easily in your pocket without being noticeable.Hermetically sealedNo more meals that leak to the bottom of the bag! With its wide screw thread and silicone seal, the MB element is perfectly hermetically sealed: it can be taken anywhere, completely carefree.construction1 lid (PP)1 container (stainless steel 316)1 seals (siliconeSome tips to optimize the thermal performance of the product:Preheat / cool container before use: fill with boiling / cold water and close with the lid. Wait at least 30 seconds. Press the middle button, unscrew the lid and drain the water.Fill the bento with a hot / cold item. If it needs to be reheated before putting it in the bento, place the saucepan in the microwave oven to achieve a more homogeneous temperature and maintain optimal heat.Fill the bento completely: the fuller it is, the more effective it is at maintaining temperature.Close the lid quickly after filling in order to limit the loss of heat / cold.Close the lid tightly.Avoid opening the bento before eating: every opening causes a loss of heat / cold.Prefer sliced ​​foods over large parts.Storage at room temperature (at least 21 ° C) to keep it warm / cool (maximum 15 ° C) or cold.Mix well before consumption so that the temperature of the food is more even.

monbento - MB Extra - compartments for bento boxes monbento - MB Extra - compartments for bento boxes
monbento - MB Extra - compartments for bento boxes
For a well-organized bento box and well-separated groceries, there are now the small plastic boxes MB Extra! The 3 different formats make it possible to subdivide the two levels of the MB Original and to separate your preparations.Since every box has a silicone lid, the MB Extra can also be used on its own outside of your bento box. Ideal for those little extra delicacies: dried fruit, olives, chocolate sprinkles and other snacks!SecureThe food-safe, BPA-free MB Extra take snacks and little extras without any risk!PracticallyThe 4 MB Extra bento box compartments, specially designed as accessories for the MB Original, fit exactly into the two levels with or without a lid.User friendlyThanks to the elastic platinum silicone lid, the MB Extra can be easily opened and closed when used outside the bento box.Small box 1/3:Dimensions: L 5.7 x W 8.7 x H 3.2 cmWeight: 40 gContents: 95 mlBig box 2/3:Dimensions: L 11.9 x W 8.7 x H 3.2 cmWeight: 71 gContents: 210 mlMedium boxes 1/2:Dimensions: L 8.7 x W 8.7 x H 3.2 cm (x2)Weight: 54 g (x2)Content: 150 ml (x2)construction4 containers (PP)4 lids (platinum silicone)

monbento - MB Genius - intelligent isothermal bottle monbento - MB Genius - intelligent isothermal bottle
monbento - MB Genius - intelligent isothermal bottle
Choose an elegant companion for every situation - the intelligent isothermal bottle MB Genius! Whether it's in your pocket or on the office table, enjoy your favorite drinks with an indication of the temperature!With the MB Genius isothermal bottle made of stainless steel, your drinks will stay hot or cool for up to 12 hours. All you have to do is shake the bottle and the intelligent cap will display the temperature of the contents (temperature in ° C)!ReusableThe isothermal bottle MB Genius is made of durable stainless steel and is therefore robust and durable.IntelligentThanks to the sensors in the cap, the intelligent isothermal MB Genius bottle indicates how warm or cool the contents of the bottle are and shows the exact temperature (° C).SecureThe BPA-free * and made of high-quality materials, the MB Genius bottle offers food-safe contact and preserves the aroma. * according to the regulationsBPA freeSuitable for foodHermeticallyProduct dimensions: W 7 x L 7 x H 23.5 cmContents: 0.5 LlLight: 290 gConstruction:1 container (stainless steel 18/8)1 fastener (PP + LED + stainless steel + PCA + battery)1 seal (silicone)1 non-slip base (silicone)Application recommendation:So that your intelligent MB Genius isothermal bottle shows the temperature of the contents, touch the display of the cap or shake the bottle. The cap sensors must come into contact with their contents.The monbento logo changes color depending on the temperature of your drink:Blue: 1 to 31 ° CGreen: 32 to 60 ° CRed: 60 ° C and more.

monbento - MB Gram cinnamon Fox monbento - MB Gram cinnamon Fox
monbento - MB Gram cinnamon Fox
School, vacations, picnics or school trips: the MB Gram snack box for kids keeps snacks safe, even when things get wild. With its distinctive closure flap, it can be customized just like its close relative, the MB Tresor, thanks to the cutout. Sweet tooth and crunchy friends, no one can resist this imaginative box!Robust and hermetically sealedThe MB Gram snack box fits in all pockets and protects snacks from the rigors of everyday life thanks to its hermetic tightness and rounded shape. The shape guarantees robustness and facilitates cleaning.Individually designableNo more confusing the break snack! The imaginative, changing and customizable cutout allows adding the name of the young owner or his favorite hero on the top lid of the snack box!CompletelyThe large capacity of the MB Gram allows you to store both a small snack and a full snack. The quantities are adapted to the appetite and age of children!Suitable for foodDishwasher safeBPA freeProduct dimensions: 14,8 x 7,0 x 11,4 cmCapacity: 0,6 LStructure1 container (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)1 gaskets (silicone)

monbento - MB Gram Green Forest monbento - MB Gram Green Forest
monbento - MB Gram Green Forest
School, vacations, picnics or school trips: the MB Gram snack box for kids keeps snacks safe, even when things get wild. With its distinctive closure flap, it can be customized just like its close relative, the MB Tresor, thanks to the cutout. Sweet tooth and crunchy friends, no one can resist this imaginative box!Robust and hermetically sealedThe MB Gram snack box fits in all pockets and protects snacks from the rigors of everyday life thanks to its hermetic tightness and rounded shape. The shape guarantees robustness and facilitates cleaning.Individually designableNo more confusing the break snack! The imaginative, changing and customizable cutout allows adding the name of the young owner or his favorite hero on the top lid of the snack box!CompletelyThe large capacity of the MB Gram allows you to store both a small snack and a full snack. The quantities are adapted to the appetite and age of children!Suitable for foodDishwasher safeBPA freeProduct dimensions: 14,8 x 7,0 x 11,4 cmCapacity: 0,6 LStructure1 container (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)1 gaskets (silicone)

monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blue infinity monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blue infinity
monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blue infinity
School, vacations, picnics or school trips: the MB Gram snack box for kids keeps snacks safe, even when things get wild. With its distinctive closure flap, it can be customized just like its close relative, the MB Tresor, thanks to the cutout. Sweet tooth and crunchy friends, no one can resist this imaginative box!Robust and hermetically sealedThe MB Gram snack box fits in all pockets and protects snacks from the rigors of everyday life thanks to its hermetic tightness and rounded shape. The shape guarantees robustness and facilitates cleaning.Individually designableNo more confusing the break snack! The imaginative, changing and customizable cutout allows adding the name of the young owner or his favorite hero on the top lid of the snack box!CompletelyThe large capacity of the MB Gram allows you to store both a small snack and a full snack. The quantities are adapted to the appetite and age of children!Suitable for foodDishwasher safeBPA freeMotifs: Purple Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 14,8 x 7,0 x 11,4 cmCapacity: 0,6 LStructure1 container (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)1 gaskets (silicone)

monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blush monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blush
monbento - MB Gram Snack Box Graphic Blush
School, vacations, picnics or school trips: the MB Gram snack box for kids keeps snacks safe, even when things get wild. With its distinctive closure flap, it can be customized just like its close relative, the MB Tresor, thanks to the cutout. Sweet tooth and crunchy friends, no one can resist this imaginative box!Robust and hermetically sealedThe MB Gram snack box fits in all pockets and protects snacks from the rigors of everyday life thanks to its hermetic tightness and rounded shape. The shape guarantees robustness and facilitates cleaning.Individually designableNo more confusing the break snack! The imaginative, changing and customizable cutout allows adding the name of the young owner or his favorite hero on the top lid of the snack box!CompletelyThe large capacity of the MB Gram allows you to store both a small snack and a full snack. The quantities are adapted to the appetite and age of children!Suitable for foodDishwasher safeBPA freeMotifs: Purple Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 14,8 x 7,0 x 11,4 cmCapacity: 0,6 LStructure1 container (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)1 gaskets (silicone)

monbento - MB Gram Snack green Raccoon monbento - MB Gram Snack green Raccoon
monbento - MB Gram Snack green Raccoon
School, vacations, picnics or school trips: the MB Gram snack box for kids keeps snacks safe, even when things get wild. With its distinctive closure flap, it can be customized just like its close relative, the MB Tresor, thanks to the cutout. Sweet tooth and crunchy friends, no one can resist this imaginative box!Robust and hermetically sealedThe MB Gram snack box fits in all pockets and protects snacks from the rigors of everyday life thanks to its hermetic tightness and rounded shape. The shape guarantees robustness and facilitates cleaning.Individually designableNo more confusing the break snack! The imaginative, changing and customizable cutout allows adding the name of the young owner or his favorite hero on the top lid of the snack box!CompletelyThe large capacity of the MB Gram allows you to store both a small snack and a full snack. The quantities are adapted to the appetite and age of children!Suitable for foodDishwasher safeBPA freeProduct dimensions: 14,8 x 7,0 x 11,4 cmCapacity: 0,6 LStructure1 container (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)1 gaskets (silicone)

monbento - MB I-cy - Ice Pack for MB Original monbento - MB I-cy - Ice Pack for MB Original
monbento - MB I-cy - Ice Pack for MB Original
The Ice Pack MB I-cy, suitable for the MB Original Bento Box, can be used with one or both containers and holds the contents of the Bento Box for up to 4 hours *. long cool. Practical for all smaller or larger tours!Whether on the drive from home to the office or on a picnic excursion, you are completely relaxed on the way because you know your food will stay cool for sure!PowerfulThe MB I-cy Ice Pack keeps the contents of the MB Original Lunchbox cool for up to 4 hours *.PracticallyThe MB-Icy Ice Pack can be used with one or both containers of the MB Original Bento Box or as a classic cold pack in the MB E-zy cooler bag.Easy to insertThe MB I-cy Ice Pack has the perfect fit for the MB Original Lunchbox, it is simply inserted into the intermediate lid.* Cooling time depending on usage conditions and external circumstances!Product dimensions: 18.5 x 9.3 x 1.9 cmProduct weight: 200 gFreezer proofBPA freeSuitable for Bento-box MB Original (with silicone plug in the middle of the intermediate cover)Material: ABS plasticconstruction1 ice pack (ABS)Recommended use:Put the Ice Pack MB I-cy in the freezer for at least 12 hours before 

monbento - MB Original graphic Power monbento - MB Original graphic Power
monbento - MB Original graphic Power
The beauty and grace of the Manchurian crane adorn the Bentobox MB Original graphic Power! The bird with the red crown is a symbol of good luck, longevity and a good future, it promises convivial, successful nomadic lunches!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB safe fits into any pocket or knapsack and withstands all bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic gourmets! Robust, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, the MB Tresor lunch box is made for children!ReusableMade of PBT, a high-quality plastic known for its durability, MB Original follows you on all your adventures.SafeBPA* free Bentos MB Original keep all small meals and snacks safe for health!Microwave-safe (without lids)Dishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L: 18,5 cm, W: 9,4 cm, H: 10 cmCapacity: 1 L (2 x 500 ml)2 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 Seal (silicone)2 plugs1 elastic band1 inner box2 intermediate lids (PP)

monbento - MB Original graphic rosa Wax monbento - MB Original graphic rosa Wax
monbento - MB Original graphic rosa Wax
The MB Original honors African culture! With its pretty hibiscus flowers in pink tones, the MB Original Pink Wax with its "wedding flowers" motif makes the lunch break a happy and sociable experience!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB safe fits into any pocket or knapsack and withstands all bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic gourmets! Robust, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, lunch box with an African motif is definitely perfect for lunch on the go! ReusableMade of PBT, a high-quality plastic known for its durability, MB Original follows you on all your adventures.SafeBPA* free Bentos MB Original keep all small meals and snacks safe for health!Microwave-safe (without lids)Dishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L: 18,5 cm, W: 9,4 cm, H: 10 cmCapacity: 1 L (2 x 500 ml)2 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 Seal (silicone)2 plugs1 elastic band1 inner box2 intermediate lids (PP)

monbento - MB Pochette M The Little Prince® - Desert monbento - MB Pochette M The Little Prince® - Desert
monbento - MB Pochette M The Little Prince® - Desert
Share the adventures of the boy with the golden hair with the MB Pochette The Little Prince® - Desert by monbento! With its texture reminiscent of grains of sand from the Sahara, this bag is an aesthetic and practical gift for adults!With this lunch box bag you can easily take your Bento box with you wherever you go. The Little Prince® and his tame fox bring a touch of grace to your lunch in the office, gym or park.ResilientThe MB Pochette transport bag, which is mainly made of polyester, an extremely resistant material, will never let you down and protects your lunch box every dayPracticallyThanks to the strings, the MB Pochette M can be securely closed to keep the contents intact and to make transport much easier: The bag follows you to the office, to a picnic and even on walks.Product dimensions: L 19 x W 18 x H 10 cmProduct weight: 42 gconstruction1 bag (polyester + cotton)1 cord (polyester)

monbento - MB Pocket Color apple green - cutlery set
monbento - MB Pocket Color apple green - cutlery set
Made from vegetal plastic, this three-piece cutlery set follows you everywhere - even on the plane!You can even slip the MB Pocket Color pink Blush cutlery set under the top lid of the MB Original and MB Square bento boxes, and job done!Made from PLA, a bio plastic that is 100% biodegradable, MB Pocket Colour cutlery respects the environment and only degrades if you forget it outdoors!Product dimensions: 14,7 x 4,7 x 1,6 cm / 5,8 x 1,9 x 0,6 inWeight: 70 g / 0,2 lbs1 knife (PLA)1 fork (PLA)1 spoon (PLA)1 removable back/tray (PP)1 protective case (PC)Dishwasher-safeBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeCan be used in a planeSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxmonbento - OriginalComplies with all international food regulationsBPA-free products guaranteed in accordance with the regulationsUse of very high quality plastics: PBT (< Germany), Tritan® (< USA) and PPRegular quality controls carried out by independent bodies (Tuv, SGS...)Extended 3-year warranty

monbento - MB Pocket Color Black - cutlery set
monbento - MB Pocket Color Black - cutlery set
Made from vegetal plastic, this three-piece cutlery set follows you everywhere - even on the plane!You can even slip the MB Pocket Color pink Blush cutlery set under the top lid of the MB Original and MB Square bento boxes, and job done!Made from PLA, a bio plastic that is 100% biodegradable, MB Pocket Colour cutlery respects the environment and only degrades if you forget it outdoors!Product dimensions: 14,7 x 4,7 x 1,6 cm / 5,8 x 1,9 x 0,6 inWeight: 70 g / 0,2 lbs1 knife (PLA)1 fork (PLA)1 spoon (PLA)1 removable back/tray (PP)1 protective case (PC)Dishwasher-safeBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeCan be used in a planeSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxmonbento - OriginalComplies with all international food regulationsBPA-free products guaranteed in accordance with the regulationsUse of very high quality plastics: PBT (< Germany), Tritan® (< USA) and PPRegular quality controls carried out by independent bodies (Tuv, SGS...)Extended 3-year warranty

monbento - MB Pocket Color Litchi - cutlery set
monbento - MB Pocket Color Litchi - cutlery set
Made from vegetal plastic, this three-piece cutlery set follows you everywhere - even on the plane!You can even slip the MB Pocket Color pink Blush cutlery set under the top lid of the MB Original and MB Square bento boxes, and job done!Made from PLA, a bio plastic that is 100% biodegradable, MB Pocket Colour cutlery respects the environment and only degrades if you forget it outdoors!Product dimensions: 14,7 x 4,7 x 1,6 cm / 5,8 x 1,9 x 0,6 inWeight: 70 g / 0,2 lbs1 knife (PLA)1 fork (PLA)1 spoon (PLA)1 removable back/tray (PP)1 protective case (PC)Dishwasher-safeBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeCan be used in a planeSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxmonbento - OriginalComplies with all international food regulationsBPA-free products guaranteed in accordance with the regulationsUse of very high quality plastics: PBT (< Germany), Tritan® (< USA) and PPRegular quality controls carried out by independent bodies (Tuv, SGS...)Extended 3-year warranty

monbento - MB Pocket Color natural - cutlery set monbento - MB Pocket Color natural - cutlery set
monbento - MB Pocket Color natural - cutlery set
Made from vegetal plastic, this three-piece cutlery set follows you everywhere - even on the plane!You can even slip the MB Pocket Color pink Blush cutlery set under the top lid of the MB Original and MB Square bento boxes, and job done!Made from PLA, a bio plastic that is 100% biodegradable, MB Pocket Colour cutlery respects the environment and only degrades if you forget it outdoors!Product dimensions: 14,7 x 4,7 x 1,6 cm / 5,8 x 1,9 x 0,6 inWeight: 70 g / 0,2 lbs1 knife (PLA)1 fork (PLA)1 spoon (PLA)1 removable back/tray (PP)1 protective case (PC)Dishwasher-safeBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeCan be used in a planeSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxmonbento - OriginalComplies with all international food regulationsBPA-free products guaranteed in accordance with the regulationsUse of very high quality plastics: PBT (< Germany), Tritan® (< USA) and PPRegular quality controls carried out by independent bodies (Tuv, SGS...)Extended 3-year warranty

monbento - MB Pocket Color Pink blush - cutlery set
monbento - MB Pocket Color Pink blush - cutlery set
Made from vegetal plastic, this three-piece cutlery set follows you everywhere - even on the plane!You can even slip the MB Pocket Color pink Blush cutlery set under the top lid of the MB Original and MB Square bento boxes, and job done!Made from PLA, a bio plastic that is 100% biodegradable, MB Pocket Colour cutlery respects the environment and only degrades if you forget it outdoors!Product dimensions: 14,7 x 4,7 x 1,6 cm / 5,8 x 1,9 x 0,6 inWeight: 70 g / 0,2 lbs1 knife (PLA)1 fork (PLA)1 spoon (PLA)1 removable back/tray (PP)1 protective case (PC)Dishwasher-safeBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeCan be used in a planeSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxmonbento - OriginalComplies with all international food regulationsBPA-free products guaranteed in accordance with the regulationsUse of very high quality plastics: PBT (< Germany), Tritan® (< USA) and PPRegular quality controls carried out by independent bodies (Tuv, SGS...)Extended 3-year warranty

monbento - MB Pop blue infinity - compact isothermal bottle monbento - MB Pop blue infinity - compact isothermal bottle
monbento - MB Pop blue infinity - compact isothermal bottle
The compact isothermal bottle made of stainless steel MB Pop keeps your drinks warm or cold for up to 12 hours. The sports lock with safety button and the spout make it a practical aid that is suitable in all situations!It is compact and can be stowed in all hand and sports bags. The capacity of 360 ml is ideal for cold juices as well as hot coffee. This isothermal drinking bottle is the perfect companion for your everyday life!SecureIt complies with all international food standards. The compact isothermal bottle MB Pop without BPA * can be used in complete safety. * according to the regulationsPracticallyEasy to use in all situations! With its sports cap, the compact isothermal MB Pop drinking bottle can be opened with a simple movement, while the safety button guarantees safe transport.IsothermalKeeps the contents cold or warm. The double-walled, compact, isothermal MB Pop bottle is made of stainless steel and keeps drinks cold or warm for up to 12 hours.This product is not suitable for children under 6 years of age.BPA freeSuitable for foodHermeticallyIsothermalProduct dimensions: H 18.6 x W 6.5 x L 6.5 cmContents: 360 mlLight: 192 gConstruction:1 closure (PP + silicone)1 seal (silicone)1 container (stainless steel 18/8)

monbento - MB Pop cinnamon Fox - compact isothermal bottle monbento - MB Pop cinnamon Fox - compact isothermal bottle
monbento - MB Pop cinnamon Fox - compact isothermal bottle
The compact isothermal bottle made of stainless steel MB Pop keeps your drinks warm or cold for up to 12 hours. The sports lock with safety button and the spout make it a practical aid that is suitable in all situations!It is compact and can be stowed in all hand and sports bags. The capacity of 360 ml is ideal for cold juices as well as hot coffee. This isothermal drinking bottle is the perfect companion for your everyday life!SecureIt complies with all international food standards. The compact isothermal bottle MB Pop without BPA * can be used in complete safety. * according to the regulationsPracticallyEasy to use in all situations! With its sports cap, the compact isothermal MB Pop drinking bottle can be opened with a simple movement, while the safety button guarantees safe transport.IsothermalKeeps the contents cold or warm. The double-walled, compact, isothermal MB Pop bottle is made of stainless steel and keeps drinks cold or warm for up to 12 hours.This product is not suitable for children under 6 years of age.BPA freeSuitable for foodHermeticallyIsothermalProduct dimensions: H 18.6 x W 6.5 x L 6.5 cmContents: 360 mlLight: 192 gConstruction:1 closure (PP + silicone)1 seal (silicone)1 container (stainless steel 18/8)

monbento - MB Pop green Raccoon - compact isothermal bottle monbento - MB Pop green Raccoon - compact isothermal bottle
monbento - MB Pop green Raccoon - compact isothermal bottle
The compact isothermal bottle made of stainless steel MB Pop keeps your drinks warm or cold for up to 12 hours. The sports lock with safety button and the spout make it a practical aid that is suitable in all situations!It is compact and can be stowed in all hand and sports bags. The capacity of 360 ml is ideal for cold juices as well as hot coffee. This isothermal drinking bottle is the perfect companion for your everyday life!SecureIt complies with all international food standards. The compact isothermal bottle MB Pop without BPA * can be used in complete safety. * according to the regulationsPracticallyEasy to use in all situations! With its sports cap, the compact isothermal MB Pop drinking bottle can be opened with a simple movement, while the safety button guarantees safe transport.IsothermalKeeps the contents cold or warm. The double-walled, compact, isothermal MB Pop bottle is made of stainless steel and keeps drinks cold or warm for up to 12 hours.This product is not suitable for children under 6 years of age.BPA freeSuitable for foodHermeticallyIsothermalProduct dimensions: H 18.6 x W 6.5 x L 6.5 cmContents: 360 mlLight: 192 gConstruction:1 closure (PP + silicone)1 seal (silicone)1 container (stainless steel 18/8)

monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
See the glass half full with the MB Positive M reusable bottle! BPA-free, you can take it to all your sport classes or the office and even to school.Practical, environmentally friendly, stylish and economical, this water bottle has it all!SustainableMade in Tritan®, a high quality plastic, the MB Positive bottle is shock resistant and as transparent as glass. Who said you can’t be robust and chic at the same time? Ultra-compactAs well as being original, this box’s square shape allows for maximum capacity within a minimum space: the glass will always be half full with the MB Positive! SafeBPA-free*, BPS-free and made from quality materials, the MB Positive bottle is food safe and conserves flavours. A reliable bottle that’s great for the whole family!Dishwasher-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 6 x p 6 x h 19 cmCapacity: 50 clLight : empty weight : 78gMaterial: plastic tritan®

monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
See the glass half full with the MB Positive M reusable bottle! BPA-free, you can take it to all your sport classes or the office and even to school.Practical, environmentally friendly, stylish and economical, this water bottle has it all!SustainableMade in Tritan®, a high quality plastic, the MB Positive bottle is shock resistant and as transparent as glass. Who said you can’t be robust and chic at the same time? Ultra-compactAs well as being original, this box’s square shape allows for maximum capacity within a minimum space: the glass will always be half full with the MB Positive! SafeBPA-free*, BPS-free and made from quality materials, the MB Positive bottle is food safe and conserves flavours. A reliable bottle that’s great for the whole family!Dishwasher-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 6 x p 6 x h 19 cmCapacity: 50 clLight : empty weight : 78gMaterial: plastic tritan®

monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
monbento - MB Positive M - Bottle 500 ML
See the glass half full with the MB Positive M reusable bottle! BPA-free, you can take it to all your sport classes or the office and even to school.Practical, environmentally friendly, stylish and economical, this water bottle has it all!SustainableMade in Tritan®, a high quality plastic, the MB Positive bottle is shock resistant and as transparent as glass. Who said you can’t be robust and chic at the same time? Ultra-compactAs well as being original, this box’s square shape allows for maximum capacity within a minimum space: the glass will always be half full with the MB Positive! SafeBPA-free*, BPS-free and made from quality materials, the MB Positive bottle is food safe and conserves flavours. A reliable bottle that’s great for the whole family!Dishwasher-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 6 x p 6 x h 19 cmCapacity: 50 clLight : empty weight : 78gMaterial: plastic tritan®

monbento - MB Positive M - graphic Bloom bottle monbento - MB Positive M - graphic Bloom bottle
monbento - MB Positive M - graphic Bloom bottle
Enjoy a sunny spring afternoon with a reusable MB Positive M graphic Bloom water bottle! The soft cream color with pretty wild flowers makes you want to take them with you everywhere!The BPA-free * bottle fits in all pockets. Practical, ecological, aesthetic and economical, the drinking bottle with Japanese motifs combines all advantages!ReusableThe bottle made of the high-quality plastic Tritan ™, MB Positive withstands impacts and is characterized by a glass-like transparency. Who says things can't be chic and sturdy at the same time? Ultra compactThe square shape is not only original, it also offers maximum volume in the smallest possible space: with the MB Positive, the glass is always half full!For sureThe MB Positive bottle, made of BPA-free * and BPS-free, high-quality materials offers food-safe contact and preserves the aroma. A reliable drinking bottle for the whole family!Dishwasher safeBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 6 x T 6 x H 19 cmContents: 500 mlLight: empty weight 75gMaterial: Tritan ™ plastic, siliconeconstruction1 stopper (Tritan ™)1 seal (silicone)1 bottle (Tritan ™)

monbento - MB Positive M- The Little Prince®-Desert monbento - MB Positive M- The Little Prince®-Desert
monbento - MB Positive M- The Little Prince®-Desert
Get some variety all day long with the MB Positive M drinking bottle The Little Prince® - Desert! A reusable bottle that brings a breath of freshness to the desert, the setting of this mythical episode of the tale.The BPA-free bottle accompanies you every time you visit the gym or in your handbag to the office. Practical, ecological, aesthetic and economical, the drinking bottle combines all the advantages!DurableThe bottle made of the high-quality plastic Tritan®, MB Positive withstands impacts and is characterized by a glass-like transparency. Who says things can't be chic and sturdy at the same time?Ultra compactThe square shape is not only original, it also offers maximum volume in the smallest possible space: with the MB Positive, the glass is always half full!For sureThe MB Positive bottle, made of BPA-free * and BPS-free, high-quality materials offers food-safe contact and preserves the aroma. A reliable drinking bottle for the whole family!Dishwasher safeBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 6 x D 6 x h 19Contents: 50 clLight: empty weight 75gMaterial: Tritan ™ plastic, siliconeconstruction1 stopper (Tritan ™)1 seal (silicone)1 bottle (Tritan ™)

monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento
monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento
The bento box MB Tresor for little adventurers and a sweet moment at school or on an outing, a gift as practical as beautiful for a complete meal well protected by our young hero!Via interchangeable stickers (4 motifs included), the lunchbox MB Tresor can be easily recognized by children and stimulates creativity and passion for collecting.Easy opening/closingSpecially adapted to small hands, the tab for opening and closing the MB Tresor lunchbox was developed in collaboration with parents and is loved by children!Individually designableTo make your own lunchbox absolutely unique there is the top cutout on the MB Tresor! It can be alternately decorated with the first name of the young owner or his favorite hero. The personalization module makes it impossible to mix up bentos in the playground!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB Safe fits in any pocket or satchel and withstands all the bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic foodies! Sturdy, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, the MB Tresor lunchbox is made for kids!Microwave safe (without lid)Dishwasher safe (without the top lid)Freezer safeHermetic (Only lower container after closing the productBPA freeSuitable for foodMotifs: Purplr Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 16 x 9,2 x 10,4 cmCapacity: 0.8 L (0.15 L x 2 + 0.5 L)Structure1 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 curl (PP)1 seal (silicone)2 inner boxes (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)

monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento
monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento
The bento box MB Tresor for little adventurers and a sweet moment at school or on an outing, a gift as practical as beautiful for a complete meal well protected by our young hero!Via interchangeable stickers (4 motifs included), the lunchbox MB Tresor can be easily recognized by children and stimulates creativity and passion for collecting.Easy opening/closingSpecially adapted to small hands, the tab for opening and closing the MB Tresor lunchbox was developed in collaboration with parents and is loved by children!Individually designableTo make your own lunchbox absolutely unique there is the top cutout on the MB Tresor! It can be alternately decorated with the first name of the young owner or his favorite hero. The personalization module makes it impossible to mix up bentos in the playground!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB Safe fits in any pocket or satchel and withstands all the bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic foodies! Sturdy, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, the MB Tresor lunchbox is made for kids!Microwave safe (without lid)Dishwasher safe (without the top lid)Freezer safeHermetic (Only lower container after closing the productBPA freeSuitable for foodMotifs: Purplr Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 16 x 9,2 x 10,4 cmCapacity: 0.8 L (0.15 L x 2 + 0.5 L)Structure1 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 curl (PP)1 seal (silicone)2 inner boxes (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)

monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic
monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic
The bento box MB Tresor graphic for little adventurers and a sweet moment at school or on an outing, a gift as practical as beautiful for a complete meal well protected by our young hero!Via interchangeable stickers (4 motifs included), the lunchbox MB Tresor can be easily recognized by children and stimulates creativity and passion for collecting.Easy opening/closingSpecially adapted to small hands, the tab for opening and closing the MB Tresor lunchbox was developed in collaboration with parents and is loved by children!Individually designableTo make your own lunchbox absolutely unique there is the top cutout on the MB Tresor! It can be alternately decorated with the first name of the young owner or his favorite hero. The personalization module makes it impossible to mix up bentos in the playground!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB Safe fits in any pocket or satchel and withstands all the bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic foodies! Sturdy, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, the MB Tresor lunchbox is made for kids!Microwave safe (without lid)Dishwasher safe (without the top lid)Freezer safeHermetic (Only lower container after closing the productBPA freeSuitable for foodMotifs: Purplr Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 16 x 9,2 x 10,4 cmCapacity: 0.8 L (0.15 L x 2 + 0.5 L)Structure1 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 curl (PP)1 seal (silicone)2 inner boxes (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)

monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic
monbento - MB Safe - Kids Bento Graphic
The bento box MB Tresor graphic for little adventurers and a sweet moment at school or on an outing, a gift as practical as beautiful for a complete meal well protected by our young hero!Via interchangeable stickers (4 motifs included), the lunchbox MB Tresor can be easily recognized by children and stimulates creativity and passion for collecting.Easy opening/closingSpecially adapted to small hands, the tab for opening and closing the MB Tresor lunchbox was developed in collaboration with parents and is loved by children!Individually designableTo make your own lunchbox absolutely unique there is the top cutout on the MB Tresor! It can be alternately decorated with the first name of the young owner or his favorite hero. The personalization module makes it impossible to mix up bentos in the playground!Robust and hermetically sealedWith its compact shape and rounded edges, the MB Safe fits in any pocket or satchel and withstands all the bumps in the adventurous everyday life of little nomadic foodies! Sturdy, hermetically sealed and ergonomic, the MB Tresor lunchbox is made for kids!Microwave safe (without lid)Dishwasher safe (without the top lid)Freezer safeHermetic (Only lower container after closing the productBPA freeSuitable for foodMotifs: Purplr Ballet, Cosmic BlueProduct dimensions: 16 x 9,2 x 10,4 cmCapacity: 0.8 L (0.15 L x 2 + 0.5 L)Structure1 container (PP)1 lid (PP)2 curl (PP)1 seal (silicone)2 inner boxes (PP)1 intermediate lid (PP)

monbento - MB Silifriends - baking molds for children monbento - MB Silifriends - baking molds for children
monbento - MB Silifriends - baking molds for children
The silicone molds animals MB Silifriends were specially developed for the small hunger of young people with a sweet tooth, just the thing to sweeten the day! The cakes are the perfect size for the MB Gram snack box!Cupcakes, crispy chocolate or frozen yoghurt, there are so many options, both for creative preparation in the kitchen and for a delicious afternoon snack afterwards! Bunny, fox, piggy or bear child: the choice is difficult!RobustThe MB Silifriends molds made of platinum silicone are temperature-resistant and can be used in the oven.Simple applicationPlatinum silicone is a flexible, high-quality material, so the cakes can be easily removed. The molds are easy to clean as they are dishwasher safe.With much funWith their cheerful motifs, the MB Silifriends encourage parents and children to prepare goodies for a delicious snack together.MicrowellableOven suitable at temperatures up to 230 ° CFreezer proofDishwasher safeBPA free *Suitable for foodProduct dimensions: L 13 x D 13 x H 3 cmContents: 8 x 16 mlProduct weight: 75 gconstruction2 baking molds (platinum silicone)

monbento - MB Slim Box black onyx - cutlery set monbento - MB Slim Box black onyx - cutlery set
monbento - MB Slim Box black onyx - cutlery set
For a leisurely lunch on the go, choose the MB Slim Box! The fork, knife and spoon of the set have a long, fluted handle for an optimal position in the hand. The cutlery is well protected in the box!The cutlery for the bento box can also be stowed directly under the top lid of your lunch box thanks to the detachable holder. The elegant black onyx goes perfectly with the rest of the lunch set!Product dimensions: L 17 x W 6 x H 2 cmProduct weight: 163 gDishwasher safeSuitable for foodMaterial: plastic / stainless steelconstruction1 Messier (stainless steel)1 fork (stainless steel)1 spoon (stainless steel)1 acceptable base (PP)1 protective packaging (PC)

monbento - MB Slim Box Natural green - cutlery set monbento - MB Slim Box Natural green - cutlery set
monbento - MB Slim Box Natural green - cutlery set
For a leisurely lunch on the go, choose the MB Slim Box! The fork, knife and spoon of the set have a long, fluted handle for an optimal position in the hand. The cutlery is well protected in the box!The cutlery for the bento box can also be stowed directly under the top lid of your lunch box thanks to the detachable holder. The elegant black onyx goes perfectly with the rest of the lunch set! Product dimensions: L 17 x W 6 x H 2 cmProduct weight: 163 g Dishwasher safe Suitable for food Material: plastic / stainless steel construction 1 Messier (stainless steel) 1 fork (stainless steel) 1 spoon (stainless steel) 1 acceptable base (PP) 1 protective packaging (PC)

monbento - MB Slim Nest - cutlery set in a fabric case monbento - MB Slim Nest - cutlery set in a fabric case
monbento - MB Slim Nest - cutlery set in a fabric case
For a leisurely lunch on the go, choose the MB Slim Nest! The fork, knife and spoon of the set have a long, fluted handle for an optimal position in the hand.Elongated shape and texture make handling easier, so that the cutlery is never lost again when you are on the go! Stowed in the elegant and practical gray fabric case with elastic band and zipper, it is easy to transport.Product dimensions: L 18.6 x W 5.5 x D 3.1 cmProduct weight: 161 gCutlery is dishwasher safeSuitable for foodMaterial: polyester / stainless steelconstruction1 knife (stainless steel)1 fork (stainless steel)1 spoon (stainless steel)1 elastic band (polyester)1 protective case (polyester + EVA foam) 

monbento - MB Steel insulated bottle 500 ml monbento - MB Steel insulated bottle 500 ml
monbento - MB Steel insulated bottle 500 ml
While hiking, at the office, or at the gym, take this water bottle everywhere you go and keep your drinks hot or cool for up to 12 hours. The added extra that makes all the difference? An integrated infuser for perfect steaming or iced teas!Made from stainless steel, the MB Steel bottle withstands ordinary – and extraordinary – everyday bumps and scrapes! A water bottle that you can take anywhere thanks to its resilience and reliability! The temperature of hot and cold drinks is easily maintained for up to 12 hours.stainless steelAirtightBPA-freeBPS-freeFood gradeInsulatedProduct dimensions: 23,8x7 cmCapacity: 0,5 LWeight: 310 g1 bottle (Steel 18/8)1 cap (PP)1 seal (silicone)1 infusor (Steel 18/8)For all coffee, tea or only water at the right temperature desires, the MB Steel insulated bottle may be used at the office or when hiking. Made with stainless steel and equipped with a double wall, it keeps your drink warm or cold up to 12 hours and protect the hands from extreme temperatures. In addition, its integrated infuser facilitates the preparation of all infused drinks! A super handy insulated bottle which also got style!

monbento - MB Temple S Grey coton/Black Onyx - Sauce jars, 2 pieces monbento - MB Temple S Grey coton/Black Onyx - Sauce jars, 2 pieces
monbento - MB Temple S Grey coton/Black Onyx - Sauce jars, 2 pieces
The colorful, practical MB Temple S sauce jars are hermetically sealed and allow spices and sauces to be transported safely.Simply put it in your monbento lunch box and you're done! Have fun combining the colors of the monbento collection while adding flavor to your home-cooked meals!Microwave safeFreezer proofDishwasher safeHermeticallyBPA freeSuitable for foodSuitable for MB Original and MB Square bento boxesProduct dimensions: 4.2 x 3.2 cm (x2)Contents: 10 ml (x2)Product weight: 13 g (x2)construction2 containers (PP)2 lids (PP)2 seals (silicone)

monbento - Original Bento Box Bella Vita monbento - Original Bento Box Bella Vita
monbento - Original Bento Box Bella Vita
With the MB Original Bella Vita, fun is the order of the day! At lunchtime, the crowd gathers and starts dancing to a jazz tune, skirts sway, hair blows in the wind, and the laughter can be heard from afar...In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box Constellation monbento - Original Bento Box Constellation
monbento - Original Bento Box Constellation
Thanks to the MB Original Constellation, you can enjoy a meal with your head in the clouds. The bento containers are reminiscent of a fir tree in a white coat and the lid is adorned with a gentle star motif. In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box coten monbento - Original Bento Box coten
monbento - Original Bento Box coten
Perfectly suitable for lunches or snacks at the office, while shopping or even working out, our lunch box collection carries a philosophy: the freedom of eating wherever and as you want! Well-kept design and ingenuity make monbento products ideal companions for a busy life. Our products are BPA-free*, and some of them are modular with their interchangeable food cups and containers. Buy yours now!Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Capacity: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicone)1 elastic band (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Original Bento Box Graphic Gingko monbento - Original Bento Box Graphic Gingko
monbento - Original Bento Box Graphic Gingko
The MB Original graphic Ginkgo bento box is adorned with a soft beige-pink and deep blue leaves of the ginkgo tree, which is so characteristic of the Japanese landscapes, to give your everyday life something positive and dynamic.In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box graphic Leaves monbento - Original Bento Box graphic Leaves
monbento - Original Bento Box graphic Leaves
The Tropic collection transports you to the heart of nature with the limited edition MB Original graphic Leaves Lunchbox! Its delicate leaves in soothing colors give you the feeling of escaping your everyday life.In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box natural green monbento - Original Bento Box natural green
monbento - Original Bento Box natural green
Perfectly suitable for lunches or snacks at the office, while shopping or even working out, our lunch box collection carries a philosophy: the freedom of eating wherever and as you want! Well-kept design and ingenuity make monbento products ideal companions for a busy life. Our products are BPA-free*, and some of them are modular with their interchangeable food cups and containers. Buy yours now!Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Capacity: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicone)1 elastic band (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Original Bento Box Pink flamingo monbento - Original Bento Box Pink flamingo
monbento - Original Bento Box Pink flamingo
Perfectly suitable for lunches or snacks at the office, while shopping or even working out, our lunch box collection carries a philosophy: the freedom of eating wherever and as you want! Well-kept design and ingenuity make monbento products ideal companions for a busy life. Our products are BPA-free*, and some of them are modular with their interchangeable food cups and containers. Buy yours now!Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Capacity: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicone)1 elastic band (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Original Bento Box Podium - engraved lily
monbento - Original Bento Box Podium - engraved lily
In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box Podium - engraved lily monbento - Original Bento Box Podium - engraved lily
monbento - Original Bento Box Podium - engraved lily
With the delicate lilies engraved on the top lid, the MB Original Red Podium/Lily Lunch Box is the perfect gift for those who love romantic to-go lunches! The flowers never wither on this reusable bento!In the office, park or gym, this Made in France bento will make people around you jealous! Hermetically sealed compartments for storing food, two levels for transporting a complete meal, dishwasher and microwave safe ... this lunch box is perfect for lunch on the go!With their design and their "Soft Touch Feeling" coating, the two microwave and dishwasher-safe, subdivided and hermetically sealed levels of this box make everyday use easier.Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT) 

monbento - Original Bento Box podium red monbento - Original Bento Box podium red
monbento - Original Bento Box podium red
Perfectly suitable for lunches or snacks at the office, while shopping or even working out, our lunch box collection carries a philosophy: the freedom of eating wherever and as you want! Well-kept design and ingenuity make monbento products ideal companions for a busy life. Our products are BPA-free*, and some of them are modular with their interchangeable food cups and containers. Buy yours now!Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Capacity: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicone)1 elastic band (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Set Original Bento Box + Furoshiki Constellation monbento - Set Original Bento Box + Furoshiki Constellation
monbento - Set Original Bento Box + Furoshiki Constellation
For this Christmas, choose an original and practical gift idea with the Constellation set for a zero waste lunch! No more wrapping paper required: the MB Original is already well protected and nicely wrapped in the MB Furoshiki cloth!Give parents, partners, friends or yourself a lunch in the stars with the motif Constellation and a product Made in France. Due to the high quality materials used, it can be reused frequently and in a variety of ways!MB original bento box:Microwave safeDishwasher safeFreezer proofBPA freeBPS-freeSuitable for foodHermeticallySoft touchProduct dimensions: L 185 x p 94 x h 100Contents: 2x500 ml = 1 L2 containers, 1 lid (PBT)2 intermediate covers (PP)2 plugs + 2 seals (Silicon + SEBS)1 elastic band (spandex)1 inner box (PBT)MB Furoshiki square cloth:Machine washable (30 ° C)IronableProduct dimensions: 50 x 50 cmProduct weight: 45 g1 square cloth (recycled polyester and cotton) 

monbento - Square Bento Box Blue Wax monbento - Square Bento Box Blue Wax
monbento - Square Bento Box Blue Wax
The MB Square is adorned in a limited edition with a wax "wedding flowers" print. The MB Square blue wax with its delicate hibiscus flowers, which symbolize luck in African culture, promise you a lunch full of joy!This bento is the perfect partner for your next picnics! The maxi format with the two compartment levels enables large salads, sandwiches and complete meals to be transported anywhere.Good news for hot meals in the office: microwave safe! And no more annoying washing up, it also fits perfectly in the dishwasher! Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cmCapacity: 2x850 ml = 1.7 Lconstruction2 containers, 1 lid (PP)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicon)2 elastic bands (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Square Bento Box blush monbento - Square Bento Box blush
monbento - Square Bento Box blush
This bento is the perfect partner for your next picnics! The maxi format with the two compartment levels allows you to transport large salads, sandwiches and complete meals anywhere.Good news for warm meals in the office: microwave safe! And no more annoying washing up, it also fits perfectly in the dishwasher! Microwave safe Dishwasher safe Freezer safe BPA-free BPS-free Food safe Hermetic Soft touch Product dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cm Contents: 2x850 ml = 1.7 L Construction 2 containers, 1 lid (material: PP) 2 intermediate lids (material: PP) 2 plugs + seals (material: silicone) 2 rubber bands (Material: elastane) 1 inner box (Material: PP)

monbento - Square Bento Box Denim monbento - Square Bento Box Denim
monbento - Square Bento Box Denim
Almost twice as big as the MB Original, the MB Square bento box is ready to satisfy the appetite of food lovers! This lunch box is not only perfect too bring your meals at the office but also for summer picnics thanks to her two containers which can receive generous salads and nourishing sandwiches for the whole family.Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cmCapacity: 2x850 ml = 1.7 L2 containers, 1 lid (PP)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicon)2 elastic bands (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Ginkgo monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Ginkgo
monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Ginkgo
The French know-how of the MB Square graphic Ginkgo for lunch on the go makes your everyday life easier! Thanks to its 1.7 L capacity, this Made in France lunch box can hold all generous sandwiches, salads and servings!This bento is the perfect partner for your next picnics! The maxi format with the two compartment levels enables large salads, sandwiches and complete meals to be transported anywhere.Good news for hot meals in the office: microwave safe! And no more annoying washing up, it also fits perfectly in the dishwasher! Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cmCapacity: 2x850 ml = 1.7 Lconstruction2 containers, 1 lid (PP)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicon)2 elastic bands (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Jungle monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Jungle
monbento - Square Bento Box Graphic Jungle
The French know-how of the MB Square graphic Jungle for lunch on the go makes your everyday life easier! Thanks to its 1.7 L capacity, this Made in France lunch box can hold all generous sandwiches, salads and servings!This microwave and dishwasher safe Bento box just has to please with its two hermetically sealed levels with high edges for even easier enjoyment! Guaranteed change of scenery with the tropical leaves and the green shades of the jungle graphics!Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cmCapacity: 2x850 ml = 1.7 Lconstruction2 containers, 1 lid (PP)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicon)2 elastic bands (elastane)1 food cup (PP)

monbento - Square Bento Box natural green monbento - Square Bento Box natural green
monbento - Square Bento Box natural green
Almost twice as big as the MB Original, the MB Square bento box is ready to satisfy the appetite of food lovers! This lunch box is not only perfect too bring your meals at the office but also for summer picnics thanks to her two containers which can receive generous salads and nourishing sandwiches for the whole family.Microwave-safeDishwasher-safeFreezer-safeAirtightSoft touchBPA-free*BPS-freeFood gradeProduct dimensions: L 14 x p 14 x h 14cmCapacity: 2x850 ml = 1.7 L2 containers, 1 lid (PP)2 intermediary lids (PP)2 caps + seals (Silicon)2 elastic bands (elastane)1 food cup (PP)
