branch gift coupon  - Design BBQ branch gift coupon  - Design BBQ
branch gift coupon - Design BBQ
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BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 1 - Steaks BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 1 - Steaks
BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 1 - Steaks
Mit dem ersten Band STEAKS - Meisterstücke für Männer" startet die große BEEF!-Reihe in insgesamt fünf hochwertigen Bänden mit fantastischen Fotos, Berichten und Rezepten: Moderne Nachschlagewerke, die einem umfassenden Blick auf das Thema werfen, und köstliche Kochbücher in einem. 254 Seiten BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.

BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 2 - Grillen BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 2 - Grillen
BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 2 - Grillen
Es wird heiß! Band 2 der großen BEEF!-Reihe widmet sich intensiv allen relevanten Grillgeräten und -methoden. Mit einer ebenso innovativen wie praktischen Unterteilung in Temperaturbereiche präsentiert das Buch über 80 Rezepte, die die Herzen aller Grill-Afficionados höher schlagen lassen - angefangen bei großartigen BBQ-Klassikern wie Pulled Pork und Ribs über direkt auf den Kohlen gegrilltem Steak bis hin zu kurz gegrillten Meeresfrüchten. 260 Seiten Autor: Tre Torri Verlag BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.

BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 6 - Meisterstücke für Männer BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 6 - Meisterstücke für Männer
BEEF! - Kochbuch Band 6 - Meisterstücke für Männer
Mehr als nur Carpaccio! Luftgetrocknetes, Fermentiertes, Geräuchertes, Gedörrtes - schalten Sie die Herdplatten aus, spülen Sie Omas Einmachgläser durch, und räumen Sie Ihren Keller frei. Von Beef Jerky über Pancetta zu Kimchi und Fruchtleder, mit Fleisch und Pflanzen lassen sich Geschmackshöhepunkte (fast) für die Ewigkeit konservieren. Wie das alles geht und was dabei im Innersten passiert, erfahren Sie im sechsten BEEF!-Band. Ganz im Zeichen des ultimativen puren Geschmacks! 254 Seiten zahlr. Farbfotos 22,0 × 28,0 cm Autor: Tre Torri Verlag BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.

Nr. 11 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 3/2012 - Größer grillen
Nr. 11 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 3/2012 - Größer grillen
Klein kann jeder. 10 Rezepte, mit denen Sie am Grill wahre Größe beweisen. BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.

Nr. 15 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 3/2013 - Grill mich! Nr. 15 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 3/2013 - Grill mich!
Nr. 15 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 3/2013 - Grill mich!
Lust auf ein Luxussteak? Große Braten? Ein ganzes Menü vom Rost? In dieser Ausgabe befriedigen wir all Ihre Grillfantasien BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.

Nr. 16 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 4/2013 - Granaten vom Grill
Nr. 16 BEEF! Für Männer mit Geschmack 4/2013 - Granaten vom Grill
Geschmacks-Explosion bei Ihrem nächsten BBQ: neue köstliche Frikadellen mit Kalb, Lamm, Reh, Rind, Pulpo... BEEF! ist ein Kochmagazin, und BEEF! ist für Männer. Weil sich immer mehr Männer in Deutschland fürs Kochen interessieren. Fürs Kochen, fürs Essen, fürs Trinken. Für ausgefallene Lebensmittel, für seltene Weine und für teure Küchengeräte. Männlich, opulent, unique und edel - das ist die Philosophie von BEEF!. Und die spiegelt sich in allen Details wieder. In den Rezepten, die nicht leicht, gesund und einfach sein müssen, sondern ausgefallen, herausfordernd und hochwertig sein sollen. In den Reportagen, die von all jenen Orten berichten, an denen jeder kochbegeisterte Mann einmal gewesen sein möchte. In den Hintergrundberichten, in denen BEEF! dem Geheimnis von Qualität bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Spur kommt. Und natürlich in den Präsentationen von Produkten - Messern, Espressomaschinen, Hightec-Küchengeräten - bei denen es auf Qualität und Design manchmal mehr ankommt, als auf Praktikabiliät und Preis. Das Highlight jeder Ausgabe ist das Menü des Monats. Gedruckt auf einem 10-seitigen Zickzack-Poster zum Heraustrennen und Aufklappen, bei dem jeder Arbeitsschritt entlang einer Zeitleiste erklärt wird. Der Koch weiß also stets, was er wann zu tun hat. Zusammengefasst besteht BEEF! zu je einem Drittel aus Kochanleitungen, Lifestylethemen und Hintergrundberichten. Und weil Männer das Leben stets mit einem zwinkernden Auge betrachten, darf auch eine Prise Humor nicht fehlen.  

Le Creuset - Grill & Plancha Book Le Creuset - Grill & Plancha Book
Le Creuset - Grill & Plancha Book
There are a surprising number of ways to grill, and cooking on a plancha griddle is becoming increasingly popular. Easy, quick and prepared with little or no fat. Outside or inside, grill and plancha taste just as good on a warm, sunny day as on a cool evening. In this way, everyone enjoys the many possibilities for eating with the plancha - whether it is meat, fish, vegetarian or sweet dishes. Introducing Le Creuset’s new Grill & Plancha recipe book, which contains 29 great, original recipes. Cast Iron is perfect for grilling because of it’s characteristics: can be used on the stovetop, in the oven and under the grill is suitable for use on all heat sources is a superior conductor of heat, therefore, there is no need to use high heat. Best frying results are obtained on low to medium settings. Gently pre-heat pans on low setting for 2 - 3 minutes then add oil or liquid to it. All pans are coated with achromatic silk - enamel inside. This silk - enamel is satiny and makes cleaning much more easier. They have to be seasoned before first use. size: 23 x 23 cm / 9” x 9” With Le Creuset grills you can serve it with a sizzle. Cast Iron is perfect for grilling because of it’s characteristics: can be used on the stovetop, in the oven and under the grill is suitable for use on all heat sources is a superior conductor of heat, therefore, there is no need to use high heat. Best frying results are obtained on low to medium settings. Gently pre-heat pans on low setting for 2 - 3 minutes then add oil or liquid to it. 30-year guarantee. All pans are coated with achromatic silk - enamel inside. This silk - enamel is satiny and makes cleaning much more easier. They have to be seasoned before first use.

BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (medium) BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (medium)
BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (medium)
With the introduction of the in-house designed ceramic barbecues, BergHOFF is more than ever ready for summer. Cooking, roasting, grilling and smoking, it's all possible with these ceramic grills.As designer and manufacturer of cook and table ware BergHOFF extended its portfolio with the state-of-the­art ceramic grill and ovens which were designed and engineered by the in-house design team.The grills and ovens are extremely versatile and allow for a wide range of cooking and grilling options. The ceramic shell produces high temperatures for searing, roasting and grilling but also allows for low­temperature smoking and slow-and-slow grilling. The construction is aimed to grant uniform heat circulation resulting in fast and consistent cooking. The top ventilation cap allows to control the air with precision and the thermometer on the lid monitors the temperature inside for precise cooking and perfect results. Dimensions: 52 x 54 x 50 cmGrill grate: 40 cmMaterial: cast iron, bamboo, 18/10 stainless steelHand wash RecommendedColor: grayBergHOFF is an international brand that creates, manufactures and distributes sophisticated kitchen design that keeps you one step ahead of the everyday cooking experience.A passion for cooking and a keen eye for detail have resulted in BergHOFF products being recognized and recommended for their aesthetics and functionality.BergHOFF is distributed through a worldwide network and is the brand that brings both design and innovation to every kitchen.

BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (small) BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (small)
BergHOFF - Ceramic BBQ (small)
With the introduction of the in-house designed ceramic barbecues, BergHOFF is more than ever ready for summer. Cooking, roasting, grilling and smoking, it's all possible with these ceramic grills which are available in a small or large version.As designer and manufacturer of cook and table ware BergHOFF extended its portfolio with the state-of-the­art ceramic grill and ovens which were designed and engineered by the in-house design team.The grills and ovens are extremely versatile and allow for a wide range of cooking and grilling options. The ceramic shell produces high temperatures for searing, roasting and grilling but also allows for low­temperature smoking and slow-and-slow grilling. The construction is aimed to grant uniform heat circulation resulting in fast and consistent cooking. The top ventilation cap allows to control the air with precision and the thermometer on the lid monitors the temperature inside for precise cooking and perfect results. Dimensions: 41 x 36 x 57 cmGrill grate: 27 cmMaterial: cast iron, bamboo, 18/10 stainless steelHand wash RecommendedColors: gray and greenBergHOFF is an international brand that creates, manufactures and distributes sophisticated kitchen design that keeps you one step ahead of the everyday cooking experience.A passion for cooking and a keen eye for detail have resulted in BergHOFF products being recognized and recommended for their aesthetics and functionality.BergHOFF is distributed through a worldwide network and is the brand that brings both design and innovation to every kitchen.

BergHOFF - Tabletop Barbecue Grill - Leo BergHOFF - Tabletop Barbecue Grill - Leo
BergHOFF - Tabletop Barbecue Grill - Leo
Take this award-winning tabletop grill with you on the road, and take a barbecue break on the go! Whether you want to grill in your garden, on your balcony, in the park or on the beach, the stylish BergHOFF tabletop grill does it all. Gather everyone around the grill, enjoy the scene, and grill your food just the way you like it thanks to the adjustable airflow created by the multi-purpose lid and trivet. Another plus is that all elements are removable for cleaning after use.Award winning designPractical carrying strapMulti-purpose trivet + lidCompact design for grilling in different locationsEasy air flow regulationProduct material: carbon steel, corkExterior finish: SatinLid material: cork1x carbon steel grill body1x ash pan1x grill grate1x charcoal container1x heat shield1x lifting tool1x carrying strap1x multifunctional cork pad2x removable handlesproduct outer dimensions (cm): 35,00 x 35,00 x 22,00Care: hand wash recommendedBergHOFF is an international brand that creates, manufactures and distributes sophisticated kitchen design that keeps you one step ahead of the everyday cooking experience.A passion for cooking and a keen eye for detail have resulted in BergHOFF products being recognized and recommended for their aesthetics and functionality.BergHOFF is distributed through a worldwide network and is the brand that brings both design and innovation to every kitchen.

BergHOFF - table grill BergHOFF - table grill
BergHOFF - table grill
Imagine that: a lot of happy people drinking and enjoying delicious grilled fish or meat. Everyone's laughing. And then there's the grill master, who's a little bit separate from the group, sipping a beer from time to time and making sure the food is perfectly grilled. There is always someone left out ...Not at BergHOFF's new table grill: Now guests can gather around the table for a real social event with the stylish grill in the center. Each guest prepares his own food as he speaks.And to make it even more versatile, the grill by BergHOFF is the absolute outdoor companion. It has been designed to be brought to the beach, a picnic area, on a boat or on a terrace ... in fact, wherever you can grill safely! The cork lid has two functions. It covers the grill when it is not in use and turns into a coaster on which the grill can be turned off when grilling. The practical carrying strap made of polystyrene holds all the elements in place, so that the grill can be carried anywhere in the open air. It is made of powder-coated steel with chrome-plated steel mesh and silicone grips and has proven itself in the open air.Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 22 cmGrill grate: 35 cmMaterial: Cork, carbon steelRemovable silicone gripsHand wash RecommendedColor: whiteBergHOFF is an international brand that creates, manufactures and distributes sophisticated kitchen design that keeps you one step ahead of the everyday cooking experience.A passion for cooking and a keen eye for detail have resulted in BergHOFF products being recognized and recommended for their aesthetics and functionality.BergHOFF is distributed through a worldwide network and is the brand that brings both design and innovation to every kitchen.

EVA Solo - Table grill EVA Solo - Table grill
EVA Solo - Table grill
EVA Solo - Table grill Invite your guests to cook their own food or tapas. Either at the table, on the beach or in the park. This innovative grill is made of fireproof porcelain with a practical handle which makes it easy to carry around. Available in black and white.Just put the porcelain grill with glowing charcoal in the separate coal box on the table and in only an instant you can start: shellfish, chicken wings, mushrooms and much more can be barbecued easily and decoratively.Material: porcelain, stainless steelH: 20 cm, Ø: 30 cmEva Solo - 100 years of Danish designEva Solo creates exclusive, Danish-designed furnishing accessories and kitchenware characterised by aesthetic appeal, functionality and high quality. Tools which are a pleasure to look at, use and own.The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality.Eva Solo CollectionEva Solo imparts exclusive Danish design to everyday objects in the home. Simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality characterise the products in the collection. The series is divided into the following categories: cooking, serving, living, bath and outdoor. All in all, an extensive selection of tools and utensils so you can surround yourself with outstanding design throughout your home.

de Buyer - Allure Plancha - LE MARQUIER - with lid 50 x 35cm de Buyer - Allure Plancha - LE MARQUIER - with lid 50 x 35cm
de Buyer - Allure Plancha - LE MARQUIER - with lid 50 x 35cm
A compact and safe plancha: indoors or outdoors, summer or winter, anything goes. You can set it up anywhere and anytime. The radiant technology meets home standards, perfect for urban environments. Quality and design: Ideal for healthy and tasty cooking, this electric griddle has a high-quality enamelled cast iron cooking plate. It perfectly matches your decoration thanks to its exclusive design. Enamelled cast iron plate 50 x 35 cm (with hole) 4 to 8 place settings 1 Radiant (2kW) regulated by a thermostat with adjustable temperature from 50 to 250°C Heating indicator light Ergonomic, non-slip control knob Rectangular stainless steel drip tray on the side included Frame in satin stainless steel and black epoxy painted steel duo version 220 V CE standard IPX4 standard (resistant to water splashes) Dimensions : 53x42x14 cm Weight : 16 kg Made in France  

de Buyer - Allure Electric Plancha de Buyer - Allure Electric Plancha
de Buyer - Allure Electric Plancha
Shipping costs outside Germany on request: de Buyer - Allure Electric Plancha - High performance: Independent heating power with 2 radiants. High durability : Stainless steel chassis splashproof - satin finish. Enamelled cast iron plate 2 x 1.700 W dim: 60 x 40 cm high quality Easy cleaning Hidden draining system: System of push pull opening. 220V L 62 x P 49 x H 27 cm Stainless steel chassis. CE standard

Küchenprofi - table grill STYLE Küchenprofi - table grill STYLE
Küchenprofi - table grill STYLE
 The sausages are ready, but the sun has disappeared? Never mind! With the STYLE table barbecue from KÜCHENPROFI, you can bring barbecue fun into your own four walls. And sit comfortably at the table with your guests. The compact appliance is also ideal for the balcony or garden. Thanks to the powerful heating element, the table grill is quickly ready to go. Meat fans and veggies spread their delicacies on the extra-large grill plate. Thanks to the preset temperature levels, burnt chops and dry fish fillets are a thing of the past. Because it's healthier: excess fat ends up in the drip tray. Grill surface with grooved and smooth surface, 42.5 x 30 cm. Grill plate with heat-insulated handles and integrated heating element for direct heat transfer. High-quality non-stick coating for low-fat grilling and frying and easy cleaning. 4 preset temperature levels and illuminated buttons. Removable grease drip tray made of stainless steel. Non-slip feet for safe standing. With operating instructions. Dimensions: 48.5 × 35 × 7.5 cm Non-slip feet for safe standing Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer.

Gastroback - Design BBQ Pro Gastroback - Design BBQ Pro
Gastroback - Design BBQ Pro
5-step temperature setting to adapt to the type and thickness of the food30 minutes timer with auto-off function and acoustic signalContact grill area: approx. 750 cm² (25 x 30 cm)Can be used as a large barbecue grill: approx. 1500 cm²fluted top grill plate, smooth bottom grill plateFast heating (2,000 - 2,400 watts high-performance thermostat)Low-fat function: healthy contact-barbecuing without fatVery fast grilling 2,000 watts of powerNon-stick grill surfaceremovable grill plates, dishwasher-safeLockable height adjustment of the upper plateremovable drip tray (dishwasher safe)Power: 2000 wattsDimensions: (width x depth x height) approx. 378 x 375 x 170 mm (closed)approx. 378 x 508 x 342 mm (open)Size of the grill areas: Floor: 250 x 300 mmLid: 250 x 300 mm

Kelomat - Quick grill - double pan coated Kelomat - Quick grill - double pan coated
Kelomat - Quick grill - double pan coated
The KELOMAT quick grill is a true all-rounder! It is not only practical at the camping site, but takes summer barbecue fun indoors. It is super easy to cook juicy steaks, skewers, sausages and crispy toasts with it, including the typical grill pattern. The quick grill is made of a premium, extra hard special alloy with non-stick coating. This means you don’t need much or even no cooking fat at all and your grilled dishes turn into a real delight.The high, widely separated grill grates function optimally, since the temperature on the grates is 220-250°C and 120-150°C in the grooves. This enables the heat to sink in slowly and the hot air to circulate, which keeps the grilled food juicy. It can be disassembled with one touch of the hand thanks to a special hinge, which makes it very easy to clean. Thanks to the stepless height adjustment, you can adjust your grill to the food you like to grill. The advantages at a glance: Non-stick coating - ideal for low-fat and healthy grillingSuitable for types of stoves electric / gas / glass ceramicFor max. Temperatures of 250°C suitableStepless height adjustmentEasily dismantled thanks to special jointEasy to cleanSpace-savingDishwasher safe

Küchenprofi - BBQ Dutch Oven
Küchenprofi - BBQ Dutch Oven
Now it's getting hearty! Marinated pork neck steaks and bacon meet onions and peppers, generously topped with BBQ sauce.While the layered meat sizzles in the Dutch Oven from KÜCHENPROFI on the grill and spreads its fragrance, enjoy the summer evening with your friends or family. Stews and crusty bread also succeed effortlessly in the all-rounder made of sturdy cast iron. The crusty roast stews in a broth of vegetables and beer, in the integrated opening at the edge of the pot you hang the thermometer and monitor the core temperature of the gem.The Dutch Oven is suitable for grills, fire bowls, all types of stoves and ovens. Special lid shape for placing charcoal or briquettes for top and bottom heat. traditional and versatile from casserole to pizza for grills, fire bowls, stove and oven size: L 30,5 cm W 25 cm H 13,5 cm Ø 24 cm Capacity: 3,5 L. Material: cast iron

Eva Solo - Firecube Firepit - 45,2 cm Eva Solo - Firecube Firepit - 45,2 cm
Eva Solo - Firecube Firepit - 45,2 cm
A tall, decorative corten steel fireplace for your garden or patio. The cube can be positioned in two ways: upright or at an angle. This gives it a unique look, but also practical wind shielding when needed. The all-weather FireCylinder is designed for year-round outdoor use. Over time, natural weathering will give the fire pit a distinctive patina that will only add to its appeal. While the rust does not transfer like other rust, small stains or runoff may occur. A grill grid can be purchased as an optional extra to convert the fire pit into a barbecue. Made of corten steel. L 45.2 x W 45.2 cm H 45.2 cm Weight: 18,5 kg Material: Corten steel All-weather for year-round outdoor use Over time, natural weathering will give the fire pit a distinctive patina A grill grid can be purchased as an optional extra to convert the fire pit into a barbecue Can be positioned in two ways: upright or at an angle Eva Solo - over 100 years of Danish design Eva Solo creates exclusive, Danish-designed furnishing accessories and kitchenware characterised by aesthetic appeal, functionality and high quality. Tools which are a pleasure to look at, use and own. The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality. Eva Solo Collection Eva Solo imparts exclusive Danish design to everyday objects in the home. Simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality characterise the products in the collection. The series is divided into the following categories: cooking, serving, living, bath and outdoor. All in all, an extensive selection of tools and utensils so you can surround yourself with outstanding design throughout your home.

black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter + steel coil black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter + steel coil
black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter + steel coil
Upgrade any* bottle to a filter bottle. This stainless steel coil securely holds our 100% natural active charcoal filter, with no rattle and no scratches! It’s taste neutral, easy to use and allows you to turn any* existing glass, steel or plastic bottle into a filter bottle. (*minimum spout opening 30mm / 1.2in) It makes tap water taste great!x1 binchotan active charcoal filters (6 months life) + x1 stainless steel coilvacuum foil packed individuallypre-washed and ready to useFits any* bottle (*minimum spout opening 30mm / 1.2in)

black+blum - Active carbon filter in giftbox black+blum - Active carbon filter in giftbox
black+blum - Active carbon filter in giftbox
100% NATURAL FILTRATION - Binchotan activated carbon makes tap water taste better right away. The carbon removes chlorine from the water, making it taste more pleasant & gentle. One activated carbon filter lasts for 6 months. Each piece is vacuum packed in recyclable plastic and steam cleaned for immediate use. The charcoal fits all bottles from black+blum.

black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter - Set of 4 black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter - Set of 4
black+blum - Binchotan Charcoal Water Filter - Set of 4
It may seem counter intuitive to purify your drinking water with a stick of charcoal, but the Japanese have been doing it for centuries. This box of 4 active charcoal filters will cover 2 years of natural filtration and great tasting water!It makes tap water taste great!x4 binchotan active charcoal filters (6 months life each)vacuum foil packed individuallypre-washed and ready to usecan be used in our EAU GOOD bottle, EAU CARAFE or any jug or bottleAutomatic email updates for when to boil and replaceL 12 cm / L 4.7''

Küchenprofi - Grill mat ARIZONA, Set of 2 Küchenprofi - Grill mat ARIZONA, Set of 2
Küchenprofi - Grill mat ARIZONA, Set of 2
Thanks to the grill mat by KÜCHENPROFI, the new grill stays nice and clean, as dripping fat is reliably collected. Even the smallest appetizers can be grilled safely and, thanks to the high-quality non-stick coating, even delicate foods are easy to cook. 2 pieces in a set Perfect for grilling meat, fish or vegetables Also ideal as a baking mat Easy to clean and reusable Dimensions: 40 x 50 cm Glass fiber fabric with high quality Non-stick coating Space-saving storage Can be cut to size Temperature resistant up to 260 ° C Warning: keep away from direct flame! Do not use sharp-edged kitchen aids!     Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer.

Eva Solo - FireCube grill grid Eva Solo - FireCube grill grid
Eva Solo - FireCube grill grid
Turn your bonfire into a barbecue and make your portable fireplace even more versatile, e.g. for outdoor grilling and added feelgood. Right the base of the FireCube to stand level in its horizontal position, place the grid on top of the cube and you’re BBQ-ready! The stainless steel grill grid heats to the right high temperature for those perfect grill marks. The grid also provides a large stable grilling surface for larger items on your menu like whole chickens, fish or veggies. Dishwasher safe and cleanable with a BBQ grill brush. Convert your FireCube fire pit into a barbecue Large grilling surface Easy to clean - dishwasher-safe and cleanable with a BBQ grill brush Materials: Stainless steel Design by: Tools® Size: Width: 44.5 x 46.0 cm Eva Solo - over 100 years of Danish design Eva Solo creates exclusive, Danish-designed furnishing accessories and kitchenware characterised by aesthetic appeal, functionality and high quality. Tools which are a pleasure to look at, use and own. The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality. Eva Solo Collection Eva Solo imparts exclusive Danish design to everyday objects in the home. Simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality characterise the products in the collection. The series is divided into the following categories: cooking, serving, living, bath and outdoor. All in all, an extensive selection of tools and utensils so you can surround yourself with outstanding design throughout your home.

Eva Solo - FireCylinder grill grid - round Eva Solo - FireCylinder grill grid - round
Eva Solo - FireCylinder grill grid - round
Transform your bonfire into a barbecue and make your portable fireplace even more versatile, e.g. for outdoor grilling and added feelgood. Stainless steel heats to the right high temperature for those perfect grill marks. The grill grid is equipped with handles for ease of handling, and is height-adjustable for varied uses. Dishwasher-safe and cleanable with a BBQ grill brush. Convert your FireCylinder fire pit into a barbecue Height-adjustable over the embers as needed Easy to clean - dishwasher-safe and cleanable with a BBQ grill brush Materials: Stainless steel Design by: Tools® Size: Diameter: 29.5 cm, Width: 37.8 cm Eva Solo - over 100 years of Danish design Eva Solo creates exclusive, Danish-designed furnishing accessories and kitchenware characterised by aesthetic appeal, functionality and high quality. Tools which are a pleasure to look at, use and own. The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality. Eva Solo Collection Eva Solo imparts exclusive Danish design to everyday objects in the home. Simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality characterise the products in the collection. The series is divided into the following categories: cooking, serving, living, bath and outdoor. All in all, an extensive selection of tools and utensils so you can surround yourself with outstanding design throughout your home.

Eva Solo - FireGlobe grill grid Eva Solo - FireGlobe grill grid
Eva Solo - FireGlobe grill grid
Are you fan of relaxing in the garden? Then transform your FireGlobe fireplace into a barbecue with a grill grid that matches the FireGlobe’s minimalist design. Place a couple of sweetcorn cobs or sausages on the grid and enjoy the scent of barbecuing over an open fire or charcoal.The grill grid has been specially developed for the FireGlobe fireplace, which spreads warmth and hygge. When fitted with the grid, the fireplace can also be used for cooking - either over open flames or charcoal. The grill grid has a large cooking surface with plenty of room for your food. The long and practical handle ensures that the grill grid is always easy to handle both before, during and after use. Always use grill gloves, as the grid becomes hot during use.Material: Enamelled steelØ 32 cmTurn the FireGlobe Fireplace into a grillMade of highly-enamelled steelLarge grill surfaceMaintenance: Clean with grill brush, hot water and soapEva Solo creates exclusive, Danish-designed furnishing accessories and kitchenware characterised by aesthetic appeal, functionality and high quality. Tools which are a pleasure to look at, use and own.The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality.Eva Solo CollectionEva Solo imparts exclusive Danish design to everyday objects in the home. Simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality characterise the products in the collection. The series is divided into the following categories: cooking, serving, living, bath and outdoor. All in all, an extensive selection of tools and utensils so you can surround yourself with outstanding design throughout your home.

Gefu - Fish roaster BBQ Gefu - Fish roaster BBQ
Gefu - Fish roaster BBQ
Grill fish like a pro. With the fish roaster BBQ from Gefu, nothing stands in the way of the pure enjoyment of a whole fish. The foldable fish roaster is particularly easy to fill and easy to turn. The result: the fish does not burn and cooks evenly.for grilling whole fish with a maximum size of l 26.5 cm x w 10.5 cmsecure closure for easy filling and removaleven cooking resultergonomic handle made of plastic for perfect handlingdo not expose the handle to direct heatdishwasher safesize: l 49.5 cm, w 12.0 cm, h 2.3 cm material: high quality stainless steel / plastic

Küchenprofi - BBQ - Hamburger Press - Ø 12 cm Küchenprofi - BBQ - Hamburger Press - Ø 12 cm
Küchenprofi - BBQ - Hamburger Press - Ø 12 cm
Hamburger Press - Ø 12 cm - Non-stick coating. For forming of hamburgers, including the typical stribes. For easy removal, we recommend the inside lightly oiled, or insert a piece of parchment paper. Cast aluminum, Non-stick coating Ø 12 cm Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Gefu professional hamburger press - PÄTTI Gefu professional hamburger press - PÄTTI
Gefu professional hamburger press - PÄTTI
This professional tool by Gefu for real burger fans ensures perfect patties from S to XL at every barbecue party. Read off the amount of minced meat on the scale according to the desired thickness of the patty and, with the help of the sturdy pusher, effortlessly form it into an even patty, eject it and put it on the grill or in the pan. Internal scale for patties from 100 g - 400 g Ergonomically shaped pusher for maximum pressing force Robust thanks to high quality stainless steel Weight: 1 kg Dimensions (ØxH): 11.5, 14.0 cm Material: high quality stainless steel Dishwasher safe

Westmark - Mini hamburger maker ""Trio"" Westmark - Mini hamburger maker ""Trio""
Westmark - Mini hamburger maker ""Trio""
Homemade burgers are trendy. Let your creativity run free and create the most delicious burgers for you and your friends. Westmark's mini burgers are ideal for buffets or children's birthdays. The highlight: fastest preparation, as you can always form 3 patties at the same time. What are you waiting for?forms 3 beautiful mini patties at once for that real American burger feeling with handy soft-touch handle for optimal pressure distribution when pressing Made of cast aluminum with a food-safe coating Burger Ø approx. 6.5 cm Material: plastic, aluminum Size: 80 x 245 x 70 mm

Gefu - Burger set BBQ Gefu - Burger set BBQ
Gefu - Burger set BBQ
The Gefu - burger set BBQ consisting of burger press, burger ring and burger skewer. For your perfect burger, 100% homemade!burger press: grooves in the patty reduce the roasting time CLASSIC meat quantity: 120 g; KING-SIZE: 180 gsize: Ø 11.8 cm, H 9.3 cmburger ring:size: Ø 10.8 cm, H 4.0 cmburger skewer: for fixing hamburgerssize: l 19.0 cm, w 3.3 cm, h 0.2 cm material: aluminum / plastic / high quality stainless steel dishwasher safe

Küchenprofi - Meat weight casting Küchenprofi - Meat weight casting
Küchenprofi - Meat weight casting
His lightest exercise: meat pieces cooked evenly and quickly. The meatweight of KÜCHENPROFI provides perfect results from the grill or from the pan. There is no longer a vestige, the times are gone, when the steak was still too bloody in the middle and dry at the edge. The accessories are made of robust stainless steel or cast iron and are well-handled and have a decent weight. With the model, which weighs 1 kg, you bring the XXL-Filet quite smoothly into shape. Height: 6.7 cm Ø: 18 cm Weight: 1,108 kg Material: cast iron Fast, even cooking For pan and grill

Küchenprofi - BBQ - Marinade Set
Küchenprofi - BBQ - Marinade Set
Grilled specialties such as spare ribs or chicken wings need one thing above all to be perfect - a good marinade. With the marinade set from KÜCHENPROFI, a wide variety of seasoning sauces can be heated before spreading - this way they combine better with the food. The pot handle also serves as a shelf for the silicone brush.Suitable for grill, oven and all types of stovesCare instructions insideContent: 400 mlDimensions: 13 × 23.5 × 7 cmLength brush: 22.5 cmMaterial pot: cast ironMaterial brush: rosewood

Küchenprofi - TEXAS barbecue gloves Küchenprofi - TEXAS barbecue gloves
Küchenprofi - TEXAS barbecue gloves
The hotter, the better. At the BBQ, the TEXAS barbecue gloves by KÜCHENPROFI are in their element. They help to get the Dutch oven or the cast iron pan filled with steak, potatoes and onions safe off of the grill As cast iron retains heat for a long time, special care is required here. The barbecue gloves are made of robust leather and are comfortable against the skin. They are long enough to protect not only your hands, but also your forearms. Size XL/11 Robust leather With practical hanging tab Protect hands and forearms Measurements: 35 x 16 cm

Gefu - BBQ gloves Gefu - BBQ gloves
Gefu - BBQ gloves
When it gets hot on the grill, the gray-black grill gloves from Gefu made of high-quality suede are used!high-quality grill glove made of suede in unisex sizeCotton lininghanging loopheat resistant up to 350 ° Cuniversal size with extra long shaftupper material: 100% leatherinner lining: 60% cotton / 40% polyestersize: l 41.0 cm, w 16.5 cm, h 2.5 cmplastic

Gefu turner - BBQ XXL Gefu turner - BBQ XXL
Gefu turner - BBQ XXL
The extra-wide professional spatula by Gefu for all BBQ fans. Glides effortlessly under the food, removes it cleanly from the grill or fire plate and makes the skillful turning of juicy burger patties a pure BBQ pleasure. Ideal for turning burger patties, steak and grilled vegetables Extra wide shape Beveled edges: glide effortlessly under the grilled food and make cutting easierk Easy handling due to cranked shape and ergonomic handle Dimensions (LxWxH): 31.5, 14.0, 9.0 cm Material: high quality stainless steel / plastic Dishwasher safe

Gefu - Turner BBQ Gefu - Turner BBQ
Gefu - Turner BBQ
The perfect BBQ equipment of course includes a turner for steak, burger & co! The ultra-flat turner not only offers an ergonomically designed handle with a practical hanging loop, which lies securely in the hand thanks to the Santopren insert. The beveled edges of the Wenders slide easily under the food - and show their sharp sides to cut! The serrated section of the Wenders assisted in releasing the food. And for cleaning, it goes off in the dishwasher.ergonomic handleBeveled edges glide smoothly under the grilled food and cut it tootoothed edge finish for loosening the grill grateintegrated bottle openerL 40 cm; B 10 cmhanging loophigh quality stainless steel and Santopren handle insertdishwasher safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.In short, the sleek, innovative and practical design makes GEFU kitchen tools the perfect match for modern cuisine. Roasting thermometer, food mill, sparagus peeler, ravioli cutter or chopping board box, we have the right product for each recipe.

Küchenprofi - Hamburger turner TEXAS - 45 cm
Küchenprofi - Hamburger turner TEXAS - 45 cm
A perfect evening! The sun is still warming, the friends have just arrived, the BBQ grill accessories TEXAS by KÜCHENPROFI are at the start. Regardless of whether you prefer the American BBQ variant, in which the food is slowly cooked in indirect heat, or whether you heat sausages etc. over a direct fire. The professional grill accessories made of robust stainless steel are equipped with rosewood handles and practical hangers. Valuable rosewood is also used in furniture making, it is particularly dense and hard. The length of the handles is such that the grill accessories keep a safe distance from the fire. Every other detail is also right. The turner for fish and meat are perforated so that the fat can drain, the special turner for hamburger patties is available in two sizes. This is how XL burgers succeed. For dessert, the tongs grab and take the skewers peppered with marshmallows, bananas and strawberries from the grill. Enjoy! Material: stainless steel and rosewood robust and high quality Basics for grill masters Length: 45 cm Width: 7.6 cm Height: 6.1 cm   Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer.

Küchenprofi - Hamburger turner
Küchenprofi - Hamburger turner
A perfect evening! The sun warms still pleasant, the friends have just arrived, the BBQ grill accessories TEXAS by KÜCHENPROFI is at the start. It does not matter whether you prefer the American BBQ variant, where the food is cooked slowly with indirect heat, or if you heat sausages & Co. over a direct fire. The professional grill accessory made of robust stainless steel is equipped with handles of rosewood and practical hangers. Valuable rosewood is also used in furniture construction, it is particularly dense and hard. The length of the handles is such that the grille accessories maintain a safety distance to the fire. Anyway, every detail is right. The hobs for fish and meat are perforated so that the fat can drip, the special turner for hamburger patties is available in two sizes. So also XL-Burger succeed. For dessert, the tongs pick up and bring the skewers spit with Marshmallows, bananas and strawberries from the grill. Enjoy! Material: stainless steel With wooden handle Turning surface: 12 x 10 cm Total length: 30,5 cm

Küchenprofi - BBQ ARIZONA - Set of 16 pcs
Küchenprofi - BBQ ARIZONA - Set of 16 pcs
Open and griddle. With the BBQ sets PHOENIX and ARIZONA from KÜCHENPROFI you are prepared when the sun is showing. The highlight: The stainless steel grill accessories are waiting for their use in a stylish black aluminum case. Troublesome searching and gathering is no longer necessary, since everything is in place. Both sets have fork, turner, tongs, grill brushes and skewers in their luggage. The ARIZONA model also holds the Maiskolben holder. All grill helpers are high-quality processed, functional and presented in the suitcase appealing. By the way: The toolbox for grill professionals is also practical when you are using a public barbecue area with friends or family. Material: stainless steel, case: black aluminum Set consisting of: Fork: 42 cm Throw: 43 cm Forceps: 40 cm Grill brush: 43 cm 6 skewers: 41 cm 6 Maize holder Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ PHOENIX - Set of 8 pcs Küchenprofi - BBQ PHOENIX - Set of 8 pcs
Küchenprofi - BBQ PHOENIX - Set of 8 pcs
Open and griddle. With the BBQ sets PHOENIX and ARIZONA from KÜCHENPROFI you are prepared when the sun is showing. The highlight: The stainless steel grill accessories are waiting for their use in a stylish black aluminum case. Troublesome searching and gathering is no longer necessary, since everything is in place. Both sets have fork, turner, tongs, grill brushes and skewers in their luggage. The ARIZONA model also holds the Maiskolben holder. All grill helpers are high-quality processed, functional and presented in the suitcase appealing. By the way: The toolbox for grill professionals is also practical when you are using a public barbecue area with friends or family. Material: stainless steel, case: black aluminum Set consisting of: Fork: 42 cm Wender: 42 cm Forceps: 42 cm Grill brush: 42 cm 4 skewers: 42 cm Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 8 pcs. Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 8 pcs.
Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 8 pcs.
Open up and start grilling. With the TEXAS BBQ set from KÜCHENPROFI, you'll be ready when the sun comes out. The highlight: the barbecue accessories made of stainless steel and rosewood are waiting to be used in a stylish case made of black nylon. No more tedious searching and gathering, as everything is in one place. All the barbecue tools are of high quality, functional and attractively presented in the case. By the way: The toolbox for barbecue professionals is also practical if you are travelling to a public barbecue area with friends or family. 1 Fork 1 Tong 1 Turner 1 Brush 4 Skewers Also practical when travelling For spontaneous barbecues Handles NOT suitable for contact with hot grill, charcoal or fire Dimensions bag: 47.8 × 20.8 × 6.7 cm Dimensions fork: 38 cm Dimensions tongs: 40 cm Dimensions brush: 42 x 17 x 3 cm Dimensions turner: 41.5 cm Dimensions skewers: 43 cm Material bag: Nylon Material fork, tongs, turner, brush, skewers: Rosewood, stainless steel KÜCHENPROFI, the brand for high-quality kitchen accessories combined with timeless design and high functionality. Our collections and products under the motto "The kitchen experience" focus on people and their needs, requirements and wishes. The range is characterised by numerous in-house developments created in close cooperation with renowned designers.

Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 4 pcs. Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 4 pcs.
Küchenprofi - BBQ set TEXAS - 4 pcs.
Open up and start grilling. With the TEXAS BBQ set from KÜCHENPROFI, you'll be ready when the sun comes out. The highlight: the barbecue accessories made of stainless steel and rosewood are waiting to be used in a stylish case made of black nylon. No more tedious searching and gathering, as everything is in one place. All the barbecue tools are of high quality, functional and attractively presented in the case. By the way: The toolbox for barbecue professionals is also practical if you are travelling to a public barbecue area with friends or family. 1 glove 1 tongs incl. bottle opener 1 hamburger turner 1 brush Also practical when travelling For spontaneous barbecues Handles NOT suitable for contact with hot grill, charcoal or fire Dimensions bag: 48,9 × 24,3 × 6,7 cm Dimensions tongs: 50,5 x 4,5 x 2 cm Dimensions turner: 30,5 x 12 x 2 cm Dimensions brush: 42 x 17 x 3 cm Dimensions glove: 35 x 16 cm Material bag: Nylon Material tongs, turner, brush: Rosewood, stainless steel Material glove: Robust leather KÜCHENPROFI, die Marke für hochwertige Küchenaccessoires in Verbindung mit zeitlosem Design und hoher Funktionalität. Unsere Kollektionen und Produkte unter dem Motto "Erlebnis Küche" stellen den Menschen und seine Bedürfnisse, Anforderungen und Wünsche in den Mittelpunkt. Das Sortiment zeichnet sich durch zahlreiche Eigenentwicklungen aus, die in enger Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Designern entstehen.

Chasseur - Beef Grill 36 x 22 cm Chasseur - Beef Grill 36 x 22 cm
Chasseur - Beef Grill 36 x 22 cm
Chasseur - Beef Grill 36 x 22 cm - With Meat Grill, you can cut the fat but retain the flavour. The deep ribs separate the fat from the food allowing for healthier cooking. The grills can go on the stove or under the broiler - a rainy day will never prevent you from enjoying your favourite barbeque foods. The ribbed base sears food evenly and gives the characteristic char lines. With Meat Grill, you can serve it with a sizzle. Suitable for all hobs. Specifications 36 x 22 cm, grilling plate 27 x 20 cm All cook tops including induction. Made in France - produced in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, known the world over for its fine food and wine. Each piece of Chasseur Cast Iron Cookware is Unique - every piece is hand cast and crafted in individual sand moulds which are destroyed after each use. Manual Enamelling Process - the trademark Chasseur coloured enamel is skilfully applied by hand to each unique piece by trained experts. Cast Iron Classique collection have an Optimal Gauge on All Pieces - to promote unsurpassed heat distribution and retention and no hot spots. Environmentally Friendly - Chasseur uses up to 80% recycled material. Suitable for all Heat Sources Including Induction Enameled cast iron cookware Superior quality enameled cast iron cookware, manufactured in the Invicta foundry and enameling plants established since 1924 in Donchery in the French Champagne Ardenne region known all around the world for its food and wine.

Chasseur - Rectangular Grill Chasseur - Rectangular Grill
Chasseur - Rectangular Grill
Chasseur - Rectangular Grill  - With Meat Grill, you can cut the fat but retain the flavour. The deep ribs separate the fat from the food allowing for healthier cooking. The grills can go on the stove or under the broiler - a rainy day will never prevent you from enjoying your favourite barbeque foods. The ribbed base sears food evenly and gives the characteristic char lines. With Meat Grill, you can serve it with a sizzle. Suitable for all hobs. Specifications In 2 Sizes 26 x 22 cm (Baking area) 35 x 22 cm (with handle) 34 x 23 cm (Baking area) 42 x 24 cm (with handle) All cook tops including induction. Made in France - produced in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, known the world over for its fine food and wine. Each piece of Chasseur Cast Iron Cookware is Unique - every piece is hand cast and crafted in individual sand moulds which are destroyed after each use. Manual Enamelling Process - the trademark Chasseur coloured enamel is skilfully applied by hand to each unique piece by trained experts. Cast Iron Classique collection have an Optimal Gauge on All Pieces - to promote unsurpassed heat distribution and retention and no hot spots. Environmentally Friendly - Chasseur uses up to 80% recycled material. Suitable for all Heat Sources Including Induction Enameled cast iron cookware Superior quality enameled cast iron cookware, manufactured in the Invicta foundry and enameling plants established since 1924 in Donchery in the French Champagne Ardenne region known all around the world for its food and wine.

Chasseur - Oval Grill 34 x 18 cm Chasseur - Oval Grill 34 x 18 cm
Chasseur - Oval Grill 34 x 18 cm
Chasseur - Oval Grill 34 x 18 cm - With Meat Grill, you can cut the fat but retain the flavour. The deep ribs separate the fat from the food allowing for healthier cooking. The grills can go on the stove or under the broiler - a rainy day will never prevent you from enjoying your favourite barbeque foods. The ribbed base sears food evenly and gives the characteristic char lines. With Meat Grill, you can serve it with a sizzle. Suitable for all hobs. Specifications black matt, black inside 34 x 18 cm All cook tops including induction. Made in France - produced in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, known the world over for its fine food and wine. Each piece of Chasseur Cast Iron Cookware is Unique - every piece is hand cast and crafted in individual sand moulds which are destroyed after each use. Manual Enamelling Process - the trademark Chasseur coloured enamel is skilfully applied by hand to each unique piece by trained experts. Cast Iron Classique collection have an Optimal Gauge on All Pieces - to promote unsurpassed heat distribution and retention and no hot spots. Environmentally Friendly - Chasseur uses up to 80% recycled material. Suitable for all Heat Sources Including Induction Enameled cast iron cookware Superior quality enameled cast iron cookware, manufactured in the Invicta foundry and enameling plants established since 1924 in Donchery in the French Champagne Ardenne region known all around the world for its food and wine.

Chasseur - Oval Grill 44 x 20 cm Chasseur - Oval Grill 44 x 20 cm
Chasseur - Oval Grill 44 x 20 cm
Chasseur - Oval Grill 44 x 20 cm - With Meat Grill, you can cut the fat but retain the flavour. The deep ribs separate the fat from the food allowing for healthier cooking. The grills can go on the stove or under the broiler - a rainy day will never prevent you from enjoying your favourite barbeque foods. The ribbed base sears food evenly and gives the characteristic char lines. With Meat Grill, you can serve it with a sizzle. Suitable for all hobs. Specifications black matt, black inside 44 x 20 cm All cook tops including induction. Made in France - produced in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, known the world over for its fine food and wine. Each piece of Chasseur Cast Iron Cookware is Unique - every piece is hand cast and crafted in individual sand moulds which are destroyed after each use. Manual Enamelling Process - the trademark Chasseur coloured enamel is skilfully applied by hand to each unique piece by trained experts. Cast Iron Classique collection have an Optimal Gauge on All Pieces - to promote unsurpassed heat distribution and retention and no hot spots. Environmentally Friendly - Chasseur uses up to 80% recycled material. Suitable for all Heat Sources Including Induction Enameled cast iron cookware Superior quality enameled cast iron cookware, manufactured in the Invicta foundry and enameling plants established since 1924 in Donchery in the French Champagne Ardenne region known all around the world for its food and wine.

Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm
Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm
Meat from the grill pan by Staub tastes particularly delicious. This pan is made of cast iron, which passes the heat optimally to the food. This will quickly create a tan and a delicious crust. In addition, the pan has a bottom with grooves. Between these excess fat can drip off and at the same time the piece of meat gets the characteristic grill pattern. Meat from the elegant grill pan by Staub is therefore hardly distinguishable from real grilled meat in terms of taste and appearance.The American grill pan by Staub has a square shape with a side length of 30 cm. This pan can be used on any type of hob, including the induction hobs and in the oven. For all dust pans, the cast iron is coated with matt black enamel inside. This enamelling enhances the good frying effect and makes your meat even tastier. It is also extremely scratch-resistant and easy to clean.With the pan, the juice that escapes when roasting can be easily caught. You can use the gravy as the basis for a tasty sauce for your potatoes. Cook some fresh vegetables as a side dish and your menu is complete with this handy-functional grill pan. grill strips guaranteed by the special grill structure of the panperfect juicy and tender roast of steaks, chicken or turkey filletsgrill grooves catch the fatthe black matt inner enamel is suitable for particularly crispy searing and is particularly hard-wearingsuitable for all types of stoves incl. induction, can also be used in the oven / grillSTAUB products are used and recommended by the world's greatest chefslongevity and easy to cleanscratchmaterial: cast iron with enamelingdimensions (width x height x length): 50.7 cm x 4.7 cm x 31.2 cmdiameter: 30 x 50 cm (bottom: 26.5 x 50 cm)volume: 5.2 lweight: 4.4 kginduction ability: yescleaning by hand is recommendedin different colorsThe brand STAUB originated in France - more precisely in Alsace, a region that is world-famous for its cuisine and good food. The focus of the product portfolio is on cookware made of cast iron and ceramics for connoisseurs who are looking for an authentic and emotional cooking and taste experience. DUST products combine traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology perfectly. Famous restaurateurs from all over the world appreciate the high quality of the products, which is why they are used in prestigious restaurants every day, not just in the kitchen. Even hobby chefs enjoy the DUST advantages of the preparation and the possibility to serve food directly on the table.

Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm
Staub - grill pan - square - 30 cm
Meat from the grill pan by Staub tastes particularly delicious. This pan is made of cast iron, which passes the heat optimally to the food. This will quickly create a tan and a delicious crust. In addition, the pan has a bottom with grooves. Between these excess fat can drip off and at the same time the piece of meat gets the characteristic grill pattern. Meat from the elegant grill pan by Staub is therefore hardly distinguishable from real grilled meat in terms of taste and appearance.The American grill pan by Staub has a square shape with a side length of 30 cm. This pan can be used on any type of hob, including the induction hobs and in the oven. For all dust pans, the cast iron is coated with matt black enamel inside. This enamelling enhances the good frying effect and makes your meat even tastier. It is also extremely scratch-resistant and easy to clean.With the pan, the juice that escapes when roasting can be easily caught. You can use the gravy as the basis for a tasty sauce for your potatoes. Cook some fresh vegetables as a side dish and your menu is complete with this handy-functional grill pan. grill strips guaranteed by the special grill structure of the panperfect juicy and tender roast of steaks, chicken or turkey filletsgrill grooves catch the fatthe black matt inner enamel is suitable for particularly crispy searing and is particularly hard-wearingsuitable for all types of stoves incl. induction, can also be used in the oven / grillSTAUB products are used and recommended by the world's greatest chefslongevity and easy to cleanscratchmaterial: cast iron with enamelingdimensions (width x height x length): 50.7 cm x 4.7 cm x 31.2 cmdiameter: 30 x 50 cm (bottom: 26.5 x 50 cm)volume: 5.2 lweight: 4.4 kginduction ability: yescleaning by hand is recommendedin different colorsThe brand STAUB originated in France - more precisely in Alsace, a region that is world-famous for its cuisine and good food. The focus of the product portfolio is on cookware made of cast iron and ceramics for connoisseurs who are looking for an authentic and emotional cooking and taste experience. DUST products combine traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology perfectly. Famous restaurateurs from all over the world appreciate the high quality of the products, which is why they are used in prestigious restaurants every day, not just in the kitchen. Even hobby chefs enjoy the DUST advantages of the preparation and the possibility to serve food directly on the table.

Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm
Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm
Meat from the grill pan by Staub tastes particularly delicious. This pan is made of cast iron, which passes the heat optimally to the food. This will quickly create a tan and a delicious crust. In addition, the pan has a bottom with grooves. Between these excess fat can drip off and at the same time the piece of meat gets the characteristic grill pattern. Meat from the elegant grill pan by Staub is therefore hardly distinguishable from real grilled meat in terms of taste and appearance.The American grill pan by Staub has a square shape with a side length of 26 cm. This pan can be used on any type of hob, including the induction hobs and in the oven. For all dust pans, the cast iron is coated with matt black enamel inside. This enamelling enhances the good frying effect and makes your meat even tastier. It is also extremely scratch-resistant and easy to clean.With the pan, the juice that escapes when roasting can be easily caught. You can use the gravy as the basis for a tasty sauce for your potatoes. Cook some fresh vegetables as a side dish and your menu is complete with this handy-functional grill pan. grill strips guaranteed by the special grill structure of the panperfect juicy and tender roast of steaks, chicken or turkey filletsgrill grooves catch the fatthe black matt inner enamel is suitable for particularly crispy searing and is particularly hard-wearingsuitable for all types of stoves incl. induction, can also be used in the oven / grillSTAUB products are used and recommended by the world's greatest chefslongevity and easy to cleanscratchmaterial: cast iron with enamelingdimensions (width x height x length): 44.1 cm x 4.7 cm x 27.3 cmdiameter: 26 x 26 cm (bottom: 21 x 26 cm)weight: 3.4 kginduction ability: yescleaning by hand is recommendedin different colorsThe brand STAUB originated in France - more precisely in Alsace, a region that is world-famous for its cuisine and good food. The focus of the product portfolio is on cookware made of cast iron and ceramics for connoisseurs who are looking for an authentic and emotional cooking and taste experience. DUST products combine traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology perfectly. Famous restaurateurs from all over the world appreciate the high quality of the products, which is why they are used in prestigious restaurants every day, not just in the kitchen. Even hobby chefs enjoy the DUST advantages of the preparation and the possibility to serve food directly on the table.

Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm
Staub - grill pan - square - 26 cm
Meat from the grill pan by Staub tastes particularly delicious. This pan is made of cast iron, which passes the heat optimally to the food. This will quickly create a tan and a delicious crust. In addition, the pan has a bottom with grooves. Between these excess fat can drip off and at the same time the piece of meat gets the characteristic grill pattern. Meat from the elegant grill pan by Staub is therefore hardly distinguishable from real grilled meat in terms of taste and appearance.The American grill pan by Staub has a square shape with a side length of 26 cm. This pan can be used on any type of hob, including the induction hobs and in the oven. For all dust pans, the cast iron is coated with matt black enamel inside. This enamelling enhances the good frying effect and makes your meat even tastier. It is also extremely scratch-resistant and easy to clean.With the pan, the juice that escapes when roasting can be easily caught. You can use the gravy as the basis for a tasty sauce for your potatoes. Cook some fresh vegetables as a side dish and your menu is complete with this handy-functional grill pan. grill strips guaranteed by the special grill structure of the panperfect juicy and tender roast of steaks, chicken or turkey filletsgrill grooves catch the fatthe black matt inner enamel is suitable for particularly crispy searing and is particularly hard-wearingsuitable for all types of stoves incl. induction, can also be used in the oven / grillSTAUB products are used and recommended by the world's greatest chefslongevity and easy to cleanscratchmaterial: cast iron with enamelingdimensions (width x height x length): 44.1 cm x 4.7 cm x 27.3 cmdiameter: 26 x 26 cm (bottom: 21 x 26 cm)weight: 3.4 kginduction ability: yescleaning by hand is recommendedin different colorsThe brand STAUB originated in France - more precisely in Alsace, a region that is world-famous for its cuisine and good food. The focus of the product portfolio is on cookware made of cast iron and ceramics for connoisseurs who are looking for an authentic and emotional cooking and taste experience. DUST products combine traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology perfectly. Famous restaurateurs from all over the world appreciate the high quality of the products, which is why they are used in prestigious restaurants every day, not just in the kitchen. Even hobby chefs enjoy the DUST advantages of the preparation and the possibility to serve food directly on the table.

Chasseur - Rectangular Plancha 34 x 23 cm Chasseur - Rectangular Plancha 34 x 23 cm
Chasseur - Rectangular Plancha 34 x 23 cm
Chasseur - Rectangular Plancha 42 x 24 cm - Designed for grilling meat, cooking delicate food or for frying summer vegetables, the plancha can be used however you like ! Suitable for all hobs. Specifications ruby red, black inside 34 x 23 cm (Baking area) 42 x 24 cm (with handle) All cook tops including induction. Made in France - produced in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, known the world over for its fine food and wine. Each piece of Chasseur Cast Iron Cookware is Unique - every piece is hand cast and crafted in individual sand moulds which are destroyed after each use. Manual Enamelling Process - the trademark Chasseur coloured enamel is skilfully applied by hand to each unique piece by trained experts. Cast Iron Classique collection have an Optimal Gauge on All Pieces - to promote unsurpassed heat distribution and retention and no hot spots. Environmentally Friendly - Chasseur uses up to 80% recycled material. Suitable for all Heat Sources Including Induction Enameled cast iron cookware Superior quality enameled cast iron cookware, manufactured in the Invicta foundry and enameling plants established since 1924 in Donchery in the French Champagne Ardenne region known all around the world for its food and wine.

de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan La Plancha de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan La Plancha
de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan La Plancha
Ideal as an extra grill, this pan is used to grill pieces of meat without adding any fat, iron makes it possible to reach very high temperatures and sear meat. Ideal for searing and grilling meat, fish, shellfish. Iron is not fragile like cast iron and there is no risk that the pan will crack over time. Guaranteed coating-free, meat can be cut directly on iron. The grooves on the bottom mark the meat with restaurant-like quality, and, above all, reduce the contact surface. Undeformable, this pan has a long iron handle that is firmly fastened with rivets. It becomes naturally non-stick the more it is used thanks to the seasoning process. The extra-strong iron is suitable for intense heat sources, including induction. Reaches high temperatures: enables the Maillard reaction; excellent caramelization. Iron and cast iron pans are not suitable for scrambled eggs. Please only prepare setting eggs and omelets in a well-baked pan. Natural non-stick properties: gradual seasoning of the pan, the more it is used the less the seasoning attaches to the food. Riveted iron handle: unbreakable. Tip: preheat using a little fat. Season when first used. Care: deglaze, rinse with warm water, dry and oil lightly. Store in a dry place. Do not use detergents or put in the dishwasher. All cook tops including induction. Size in : 38x26 cm Out size : 43x26 cm H = 2,5 cm ORGANIC BEE WAX FINISH Bees produce by-products that are well known in nature. de Buyer discovered that bee wax is an excellent option to protect their pans against oxidation. Bee wax helps in the seasoning process. Bee wax improves the nonstick quality. IRON=100 % NATURAL MINERAL MATERIAL Guaranteed without PTFE and PFOA. No chemicals added. Environment safe production. Ecological, recyclable, and good for the environment. Due to the shape of the handle, no lid fits on this frying pan from de Buyer. Can be used on all types of cooker - incl. induction All information about the pans from de Buyer you can find on data sheets tab. COOKING QUALITY High temperature: Perfect for SEALING, BROWNING and GRILLING Improved flavour. TRADITIONAL Authentic design: «Lyonnaise» shape. Curved handle «à la Française». Symbol of French Gastronomy. SEASONING The more the pan is used, the better the performance. The darker it becomes the better it is for natural nonstick properties. FOR ALL HOTPLATES INCLUDING INDUCTION.

de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan
de Buyer - Mineral B - rectangular Grill Pan
Ideal as an extra grill, this pan is used to grill pieces of meat without adding any fat, iron makes it possible to reach very high temperatures and sear meat. Ideal for searing and grilling meat, fish, shellfish. Iron is not fragile like cast iron and there is no risk that the pan will crack over time. Guaranteed coating-free, meat can be cut directly on iron. The grooves on the bottom mark the meat with restaurant-like quality, and, above all, reduce the contact surface. Undeformable, this pan has a long iron handle that is firmly fastened with rivets. It becomes naturally non-stick the more it is used thanks to the seasoning process. The extra-strong iron is suitable for intense heat sources, including induction. Reaches high temperatures: enables the Maillard reaction; excellent caramelization. Natural non-stick properties: gradual seasoning of the pan, the more it is used the less the seasoning attaches to the food. Riveted iron handle: unbreakable. Tip: preheat using a little fat. Season when first used. Care: deglaze, rinse with warm water, dry and oil lightly. Store in a dry place. Do not use detergents or put in the dishwasher. All cook tops including induction. Iron and cast iron pans are not suitable for scrambled eggs. Please only prepare setting eggs and omelets in a well-baked pan. 38 x 26 cm ORGANIC BEE WAX FINISH Bees produce by-products that are well known in nature. de Buyer discovered that bee wax is an excellent option to protect their pans against oxidation. Bee wax helps in the seasoning process. Bee wax improves the nonstick quality. IRON=100 % NATURAL MINERAL MATERIAL Guaranteed without PTFE and PFOA. No chemicals added. Environment safe production. Ecological, recyclable, and good for the environment. Due to the shape of the handle, no lid fits on this frying pan from de Buyer. Can be used on all types of cooker - incl. induction All information about the pans from de Buyer you can find on data sheets tab. COOKING QUALITY High temperature: Perfect for SEALING, BROWNING and GRILLING Improved flavour. TRADITIONAL Authentic design: «Lyonnaise» shape. Curved handle «à la Française». Symbol of French Gastronomy. SEASONING The more the pan is used, the better the performance. The darker it becomes the better it is for natural nonstick properties. FOR ALL HOTPLATES INCLUDING INDUCTION.

Gefu grill pan BBQ, small Gefu grill pan BBQ, small
Gefu grill pan BBQ, small
Whether grilled vegetables, fine scallops or a tasty sea bream: the grill pan by Gefu, made of high-quality stainless steel, makes delicious food both gentle and healthy. for grilled pan dishes gentle and healthy cooking Heat circulation through ventilation slots Dimensions (HxØ): 32.5, 18.8, 2,5 cm Material: high quality stainless steel Dishwasher safe

Gefu - BBQ bowl small Gefu - BBQ bowl small
Gefu - BBQ bowl small
Vegetables, fish or rosemary potatoes ... all of this works perfectly in the Gefu BBQ grill tray. The square openings in the base and side walls ensure optimum heat circulation.side handlesDimensions: L 25.0 cm, W 21.5 cm, H 5.0 cmMaterial: high quality stainless steeldishwasher safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.

Gefu - BBQ bowl large Gefu - BBQ bowl large
Gefu - BBQ bowl large
Vegetables, fish or rosemary potatoes ... all of this works perfectly in the Gefu BBQ grill tray. The square openings in the base and side walls ensure optimum heat circulation.side handlesDimensions: L 33,0 cm, B 28,0 cm, H 7,5 cmMaterial: high quality stainless steeldishwasher safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.

Gefu - Vegetable wok BBQ Gefu - Vegetable wok BBQ
Gefu - Vegetable wok BBQ
The vegetable wok brings culinary pleasures and environmental awareness together on the grill - a more durable partner than aluminium trays for grilled vegetables!for crispy vegetables from the grill or from the oven28 cm / 11" in diameterhandle detachable with one handstainless steel and nylondishwasher-safeThe perforated vegetable wok is the durable and environmentally friendly replacement for the one-way aluminium trays generally used for grilling vegetables! Put the veg in the wok, place the wok on the grill (or in the oven), detach the handle with one push of your thumb and re-attach it equally easily after cooking. Made of high-grade stainless steel, the vegetable wok can of course be used in the oven as well. Can be cleaned in the dishwasher.GEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.In short, the sleek, innovative and practical design makes GEFU kitchen tools the perfect match for modern cuisine. Roasting thermometer, food mill, sparagus peeler, ravioli cutter or chopping board box, we have the right product for each recipe.

Gefu - Spare Rib Holder BBQ Gefu - Spare Rib Holder BBQ
Gefu - Spare Rib Holder BBQ
For the perfectly grilled spare ribs there is the Spare Rib Holder BBQ from Gefu. It can be used on both the kettle grill and in the oven. Up to six portions can be prepared at the same time and if you turn it over, you can also use it to prepare a roast with a crust or a poulade. For cleaning, this practical grill utensil simply goes into the dishwasher. for 6 servings of spare ribs also ideal as a roast holder can be used in kettle grills and ovens Dimensions (HxWxL):11.4 x 18.2 x 39.0 cm Material: high quality stainless steel Dishwasher safe

Le Creuset - Cast iron rectangular Grill Le Creuset - Cast iron rectangular Grill
Le Creuset - Cast iron rectangular Grill
All the flavour of an outdoor grill, from the comfort of your own kitchen. Whether you’re cooking chicken, steaks, fish or vegetables, this cast iron rectangular grill has your back. It heats evenly for spectacular results, separates food and fat, and delivers those must-have char lines. L 38,5 x W 21,8 x H 3,1 cm can be used on the stovetop, in the oven and under the grill is suitable for use on all heat sources is a superior conductor of heat, therefore, there is no need to use high heat. Best frying results are obtained on low to medium settings. Gently pre-heat pans on low setting for 2 - 3 minutes then add oil or liquid to it. All pans are coated with achromatic silk - enamel inside. This silk - enamel is satiny and makes cleaning much more easier. They have to be seasoned before first use. Unveiling the Evolution of a Classic... NEW Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron Casseroles Le Creuset is proud to introduce the new Signature Cast Iron Casseroles as the next evolution of its enamelled cast iron cookware. This updated kitchen classic features a range of new design enhancements especially developed to offer even better durability, versatility and comfort of use when cooking. Available in an extended selection of shapes, sizes and iconic colours, new features include: easy-grip, 45% larger handles distribute weight more evenly and make it easier to carry from hob to oven to table even when wearing bulky oven gloves easy clean, toughened enamel interior is now even more durable to resist staining, dulling and other wear and tear and makes cleaning even faster and easier stylish, heat-resistant stainless steel knob withstands any oven temperature for total peace of mind and is more ergonomic for a more comfortable, natural grip enhanced, tight-fitting lid with built-in stabilisers seal in flavour with a more secure fit and has enhanced rings and branding for added beauty Individually cast in sand moulds and hand crafted at the original foundry in France since 1925, each piece of Le Creuset enamelled cast iron cookware is unique and perfectly finished to deliver outstanding performance time after time. Suitable for use on all hob types, including induction, and in the oven, Le Creuset cast iron casseroles are also perfect for serving as cast iron keeps food warmer for longer at the table. Featuring a Lifetime Guarantee for total peace of mind. Enameled cast iron is a remarkable and robust material that performs well with modern requirements for food preparation and cooking. Whether you choose to stir-fry, slow-cook a casserole, sear a steak or bake a cake, there is a shape that is suitable. Cast iron performs well for either slow cooking or high-temperature searing. Cast iron can be used reliably on any heat source, including induction, and with any oven or grill. It has the ability to retain heat efficiently, which allows for use of lower heat settings in stovetop and oven cooking. On the table, a hot covered dish will keep food hot for second servings. Cast iron can also be used to keep foods cold. A chilled dish becomes an ideal cold food server on a hot summer day. It can also be placed in the freezer for food storage or advanced food preparation. Before first use Remove all packaging and labels. Wash the pan in hot, soapy water, then rinse and dry thoroughly. Your pan is now ready to be used and does not require any further preparation. Cooking heats Medium or low heat will provide the best results for cooking, including frying and searing. Allow the pan to heat gradually and thoroughly for even and efficient cooking results. Once the pan is hot, almost all cooking can be continued on lower settings. High heat temperatures should only be used for boiling water for vegetables or pasta, or for reducing the consistency of stocks or sauces. High heats should never be used to preheat a pan before lowering the heat for cooking. Cast iron retains heat so efficiently that overheating will cause food to burn or stick. Oven use The black phenolic lid knobs on our Signature range of enameled cast iron are heat-resistant to 480°F / 250°C. The black phenolic lid knobs on our Classic range of enameled cast iron are heat-resistant to 375°F / 190°C. Products with integral cast iron handles or stainless steel knobs can be used at any oven temperature. Pans with wooden handles or knobs must not be placed in the oven. Do not place any cookware on the floors of ovens with cast iron linings. This will increase the cooking temperature inside the oven, resulting in an increased cooking rate with detrimental effects on food. Do not drag cookware across the floor of the liners. For best results always place on a shelf or rack. Cooking tips for grilling Grills may be preheated to reach a hot surface temperature for searing and caramelization. This advice does not apply to any other products. For correct grilling and searing, it is important that the cooking surface is sufficiently hot before cooking begins. Sear lines from ribbed grills will not be produced if the pan surface is too cool, or if the food is too wet. Place the empty pan on medium heat and allow it to heat for several minutes. Do not add oil to the cold pan-the oil may become too hot and smoke. Take a few drops of water on your fingers and scatter over the hot surface. If they sizzle and evaporate almost immediately it is hot and ready for use. If the water produces steam and has no sizzle, heat the pan a little longer and repeat the water test again. When the surface is hot enough, lightly oil it with cooking spray or brush it with oil using a Le Creuset silicone basting brush. Vegetable, ground nut or corn oils are recommended. Olive oil may cause excessive smoking. Once a patina covers the cooking surface very little oil will be necessary. For distinct sear lines, leave the food undisturbed on the surface for several minutes. If the food is moved too quickly the lines will be poor, and steam from the food may be released onto the surface. Any food for grilling or searing must be quite dry before it is placed on the hot surface. Wet foods will not achieve good sear lines and may result in a steamed appearance and flavor. Use paper towels to pat off excess moisture from foods. Oil can then be brushed over the food if desired. Foods that have been marinated should also have excess moisture removed with paper towels. General care Always cool a hot pan for a few minutes before washing. Do not plunge a hot pan into cold water. While Le Creuset’s enamel is designed to be the most durable on the market, thermal shock may still occur, resulting in cracking or loss of enamel. If there are food residues, fill the pan with warm water and let soak for 15 to 20 minutes before washing. A brush can be useful for removing small food deposits, or for cleaning between the ribs on grills. Do not use scourers or abrasive cleaners on the cooking surface. Nylon or soft abrasive pads or brushes can be used to remove stubborn residues. To avoid damaging the enamel, do not use metallic pads or harsh abrasive cleaning agents. Light stains or metal marks caused by metal tools can be removed with Le Creuset cookware cleaner. An occasional cleaning with this product will also retain the new appearance of your pans. It can be purchased on this website or from your local retailer. Never store pans while they are still damp. Store pans in a dry cupboard or airy space away from steam. Maintain the tightness of all handles and knobs by checking and retightening them regularly. Le Creuset enameled cast iron is extremely durable but it may be damaged if accidentally dropped or knocked against a hard surface. Please note that this is not covered by our Lifetime Warranty. Dishwasher use All pans with integral cast iron, phenolic handles or stainless steel knobs can be washed in the dishwasher. However, constant dishwashing may lead to some dulling of the enamel finish. This is not harmful and will not impair performance. When using the dishwasher always allow the cycle to finish before opening the door. This will ensure the pans are dried thoroughly. Pans with metal handles can be washed in the dishwasher, but this greatly reduces the development of a patina; as a result, grills and skillets will require oiling for a longer period. Pans with wooden handles are not dishwasher-safe. Satin Black Satin Black enamel can be found on skillets, grills, frying pans, saute pans, woks, tagines and a number of round and oval casserole dishes. Satin Black enamel has a smooth feel but is not as glossy as other light-colored interior enamel finishes. It has been specially designed for higher surface temperature cooking, which is not the same as simply using a piece on a high heat. With cast iron, higher surface temperatures can be achieved by allowing any piece to heat thoroughly on a medium setting. This makes the satin black interior ideal for frying, grilling and searing. Satin Black enamel will keep its good looks and allow a patina to build on its surface with continued use. A patina is the result of the natural oils and fats from foods baking on to the hot surface. The patina should not be cleaned off, as it enhances the cooking performance and the release of foods. It also reduces the need for surface oiling. With the higher surface temperatures achieved during frying, grilling and searing, sugars and some enzymes will cause caramelization. This not only aids in the retention of moisture and flavor, but also produces the sear lines and crusty exterior on grilled meats.

Le Creuset - Round Skinny Grill 25 cm Le Creuset - Round Skinny Grill 25 cm
Le Creuset - Round Skinny Grill 25 cm
With Le Creuset grills you can cut the fat but retain the flavor. The deep ribs separate the fat from the food allowing for healthier cooking. The grills can go on the stove or under the broiler - a rainy day will never prevent you from enjoying your favorite barbeque foods. The ribbed base sears food evenly and gives the characteristic char lines. The comfortable handles are great for easy handling. With Le Creuset grills you can serve it with a sizzle. This Le Creuset grill is ideal for: Grilling Searing Marking Cast Iron is perfect for grilling because of it’s characteristics: Ø 25 cm - (Bottom Ø 24 cm) - L with handle 33,3 cm can be used on the stovetop, in the oven and under the grill is suitable for use on all heat sources is a superior conductor of heat, therefore, there is no need to use high heat. Best frying results are obtained on low to medium settings. Gently pre-heat pans on low setting for 2 - 3 minutes then add oil or liquid to it. All pans are coated with achromatic silk - enamel inside. This silk - enamel is satiny and makes cleaning much more easier. They have to be seasoned before first use. Iron and cast iron pans are not suitable for scrambled eggs. Please only prepare setting eggs and omelets in a well-baked pan.

Le Creuset - Cast iron round Grill Le Creuset - Cast iron round Grill
Le Creuset - Cast iron round Grill
All the flavour of an outdoor grill, from the comfort of your own kitchen. Whether you’re cooking chicken, steaks, fish or vegetables, this cast iron griddle pan has your back. It heats evenly for spectacular results, separates food and fat, and delivers those must-have char lines. L 30,7 cm x W 25,3 cm ( with handle) can be used on the stovetop, in the oven and under the grill is suitable for use on all heat sources is a superior conductor of heat, therefore, there is no need to use high heat. Best frying results are obtained on low to medium settings. Gently pre-heat pans on low setting for 2 - 3 minutes then add oil or liquid to it. All pans are coated with achromatic silk - enamel inside. This silk - enamel is satiny and makes cleaning much more easier. They have to be seasoned before first use. Unveiling the Evolution of a Classic... NEW Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron Casseroles Le Creuset is proud to introduce the new Signature Cast Iron Casseroles as the next evolution of its enamelled cast iron cookware. This updated kitchen classic features a range of new design enhancements especially developed to offer even better durability, versatility and comfort of use when cooking. Available in an extended selection of shapes, sizes and iconic colours, new features include: easy-grip, 45% larger handles distribute weight more evenly and make it easier to carry from hob to oven to table even when wearing bulky oven gloves easy clean, toughened enamel interior is now even more durable to resist staining, dulling and other wear and tear and makes cleaning even faster and easier stylish, heat-resistant stainless steel knob withstands any oven temperature for total peace of mind and is more ergonomic for a more comfortable, natural grip enhanced, tight-fitting lid with built-in stabilisers seal in flavour with a more secure fit and has enhanced rings and branding for added beauty Individually cast in sand moulds and hand crafted at the original foundry in France since 1925, each piece of Le Creuset enamelled cast iron cookware is unique and perfectly finished to deliver outstanding performance time after time. Suitable for use on all hob types, including induction, and in the oven, Le Creuset cast iron casseroles are also perfect for serving as cast iron keeps food warmer for longer at the table. Featuring a Lifetime Guarantee for total peace of mind. Enameled cast iron is a remarkable and robust material that performs well with modern requirements for food preparation and cooking. Whether you choose to stir-fry, slow-cook a casserole, sear a steak or bake a cake, there is a shape that is suitable. Cast iron performs well for either slow cooking or high-temperature searing. Cast iron can be used reliably on any heat source, including induction, and with any oven or grill. It has the ability to retain heat efficiently, which allows for use of lower heat settings in stovetop and oven cooking. On the table, a hot covered dish will keep food hot for second servings. Cast iron can also be used to keep foods cold. A chilled dish becomes an ideal cold food server on a hot summer day. It can also be placed in the freezer for food storage or advanced food preparation. Before first use Remove all packaging and labels. Wash the pan in hot, soapy water, then rinse and dry thoroughly. Your pan is now ready to be used and does not require any further preparation. Cooking heats Medium or low heat will provide the best results for cooking, including frying and searing. Allow the pan to heat gradually and thoroughly for even and efficient cooking results. Once the pan is hot, almost all cooking can be continued on lower settings. High heat temperatures should only be used for boiling water for vegetables or pasta, or for reducing the consistency of stocks or sauces. High heats should never be used to preheat a pan before lowering the heat for cooking. Cast iron retains heat so efficiently that overheating will cause food to burn or stick. Oven use The black phenolic lid knobs on our Signature range of enameled cast iron are heat-resistant to 480°F / 250°C. The black phenolic lid knobs on our Classic range of enameled cast iron are heat-resistant to 375°F / 190°C. Products with integral cast iron handles or stainless steel knobs can be used at any oven temperature. Pans with wooden handles or knobs must not be placed in the oven. Do not place any cookware on the floors of ovens with cast iron linings. This will increase the cooking temperature inside the oven, resulting in an increased cooking rate with detrimental effects on food. Do not drag cookware across the floor of the liners. For best results always place on a shelf or rack. Cooking tips for grilling Grills may be preheated to reach a hot surface temperature for searing and caramelization. This advice does not apply to any other products. For correct grilling and searing, it is important that the cooking surface is sufficiently hot before cooking begins. Sear lines from ribbed grills will not be produced if the pan surface is too cool, or if the food is too wet. Place the empty pan on medium heat and allow it to heat for several minutes. Do not add oil to the cold pan-the oil may become too hot and smoke. Take a few drops of water on your fingers and scatter over the hot surface. If they sizzle and evaporate almost immediately it is hot and ready for use. If the water produces steam and has no sizzle, heat the pan a little longer and repeat the water test again. When the surface is hot enough, lightly oil it with cooking spray or brush it with oil using a Le Creuset silicone basting brush. Vegetable, ground nut or corn oils are recommended. Olive oil may cause excessive smoking. Once a patina covers the cooking surface very little oil will be necessary. For distinct sear lines, leave the food undisturbed on the surface for several minutes. If the food is moved too quickly the lines will be poor, and steam from the food may be released onto the surface. Any food for grilling or searing must be quite dry before it is placed on the hot surface. Wet foods will not achieve good sear lines and may result in a steamed appearance and flavor. Use paper towels to pat off excess moisture from foods. Oil can then be brushed over the food if desired. Foods that have been marinated should also have excess moisture removed with paper towels. General care Always cool a hot pan for a few minutes before washing. Do not plunge a hot pan into cold water. While Le Creuset’s enamel is designed to be the most durable on the market, thermal shock may still occur, resulting in cracking or loss of enamel. If there are food residues, fill the pan with warm water and let soak for 15 to 20 minutes before washing. A brush can be useful for removing small food deposits, or for cleaning between the ribs on grills. Do not use scourers or abrasive cleaners on the cooking surface. Nylon or soft abrasive pads or brushes can be used to remove stubborn residues. To avoid damaging the enamel, do not use metallic pads or harsh abrasive cleaning agents. Light stains or metal marks caused by metal tools can be removed with Le Creuset cookware cleaner. An occasional cleaning with this product will also retain the new appearance of your pans. It can be purchased on this website or from your local retailer. Never store pans while they are still damp. Store pans in a dry cupboard or airy space away from steam. Maintain the tightness of all handles and knobs by checking and retightening them regularly. Le Creuset enameled cast iron is extremely durable but it may be damaged if accidentally dropped or knocked against a hard surface. Please note that this is not covered by our Lifetime Warranty. Dishwasher use All pans with integral cast iron, phenolic handles or stainless steel knobs can be washed in the dishwasher. However, constant dishwashing may lead to some dulling of the enamel finish. This is not harmful and will not impair performance. When using the dishwasher always allow the cycle to finish before opening the door. This will ensure the pans are dried thoroughly. Pans with metal handles can be washed in the dishwasher, but this greatly reduces the development of a patina; as a result, grills and skillets will require oiling for a longer period. Pans with wooden handles are not dishwasher-safe. Satin Black Satin Black enamel can be found on skillets, grills, frying pans, saute pans, woks, tagines and a number of round and oval casserole dishes. Satin Black enamel has a smooth feel but is not as glossy as other light-colored interior enamel finishes. It has been specially designed for higher surface temperature cooking, which is not the same as simply using a piece on a high heat. With cast iron, higher surface temperatures can be achieved by allowing any piece to heat thoroughly on a medium setting. This makes the satin black interior ideal for frying, grilling and searing. Satin Black enamel will keep its good looks and allow a patina to build on its surface with continued use. A patina is the result of the natural oils and fats from foods baking on to the hot surface. The patina should not be cleaned off, as it enhances the cooking performance and the release of foods. It also reduces the need for surface oiling. With the higher surface temperatures achieved during frying, grilling and searing, sugars and some enzymes will cause caramelization. This not only aids in the retention of moisture and flavor, but also produces the sear lines and crusty exterior on grilled meats.

Riess CLASSIC - Special Article - Grill plate round, Bottom perforated Riess CLASSIC - Special Article - Grill plate round, Bottom perforated
Riess CLASSIC - Special Article - Grill plate round, Bottom perforated
Enamel for special needs: cook potatoes and vegetables gently, roast chestnuts, fry a goose, healthy grilling, cooking around the campfire, cooking, storing, sweeping and cleaning. A Riess grill plate should not miss on any grill. It is ideal for small grilled food, seafood and roast. Enamel dishes with flare or stainless pouring rim. Guaranteed fast heating of the food. Universal hobs suitability: induction, glass ceramic, electric stove, gas stove, roasting pan. Easy cleaning. easy cleaningtasteless Universal hobs suitability: induction, glass ceramic, electric stove, gas stove, roasting pan Material: Enamel dishes with flare or stainless pouring rim

Spring - Vulcano aluminum induction - grill plate Spring - Vulcano aluminum induction - grill plate
Spring - Vulcano aluminum induction - grill plate
The fine art of the perfect kitchen starts during frying. Since confidence for high heat and fine adjustment of the temperatures are in demand. The thermo - induction bottom ensures optimal heat storage for uniform roasting result and energy-saving cooking. Material: Forged aluminum pan body Measurements: 37 x 28 cm Boosts Thermal and storage properties of the base element. Very high heat resistance (400 ° C) and thus maximum protection against overheating Ergonomically shaped handle, precise bolted to the base element. Suitables for all types of stoves The history of the Spring brand is a chronicle marked by milestones of innovative and creative ideas for elegant dining, sophisticated cuisine, and ambitious hobby cooks. In 1946, the Spring brothers established the company which was committed to uncompromising quality and well-conceived product development. Over the years, the Spring brand has continually developed and marketed new products that proved to be trendsetters in the history of cooking and dining culture.

Küchenprofi - BBQ - Grill and oven roaster STYLE Küchenprofi - BBQ - Grill and oven roaster STYLE
Küchenprofi - BBQ - Grill and oven roaster STYLE
The STYLE grill and oven roaster from Küchenprofi is ideal for low-fat preparation of fish, meat or vegetables. The foldable handles allow for space-saving use and easy transport. Particularly practical: the roaster is also a sustainable alternative to conventional aluminum trays for the grill. Sustainable alternative to aluminum trays Includes grid insert that can be used on both sides With foldable handles Capacity: 6.8 liters Dimensions: 40 x 31,5 x 6,5 cm Material: stainless steel

Küchenprofi - Chicken Griller BBQ Advantage Küchenprofi - Chicken Griller BBQ Advantage
Küchenprofi - Chicken Griller BBQ Advantage
Content aroma container: 300 ml Material: Stainless Steel Ø 18 cm Height 24 cm Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!  

Küchenprofi - BBQ - Chicken roaster cast iron Küchenprofi - BBQ - Chicken roaster cast iron
Küchenprofi - BBQ - Chicken roaster cast iron
The Küchenprofi cast iron chicken roaster is suitable for the grill and oven. Can be used in grills with round openings (depending on the diameter). capacity of aroma container: 100 ml size: Ø 28 cm, H 9,5 cm Material: cast iron, pre-treated ready for use Design | Function | Quality Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!  

Küchenprofi - BBQ round grill / serving pan wooden board
Küchenprofi - BBQ round grill / serving pan wooden board
The grill / serving pan by KÜCHENPROFI is ideal for preparing small dishes and side dishes on the grill and in the oven. The heat-storing material cast iron ensures that the food stays hot for a long time. Thanks to the wooden board, the pan can also be served stylishly at the table, while it is held securely in the trough. L 26,5 x W 18 cm Material: cast iron, pine wood professional quality optimal heat distribution especially energy saving is perfect for frying, boiling, simmering, cooking, marinating and food storage after cooking is a superior conductor of heat Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ grill / serving pan with wooden board
Küchenprofi - BBQ grill / serving pan with wooden board
The grill / serving pan by KÜCHENPROFI is ideal for preparing small dishes and side dishes on the grill and in the oven. The heat-storing material cast iron ensures that the food stays hot for a long time. Thanks to the wooden board, the pan can also be served stylishly at the table, while it is held securely in the trough. Dimensions: L 23 x W 13,5 x h 5,5 cm Bottom Diameter: 10.7 x 10.9 cm Material: cast iron, pine wood professional quality optimal heat distribution especially energy saving is perfect for frying, boiling, simmering, cooking, marinating and food storage after cooking is a superior conductor of heat Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ oval grill / serving pan wooden board
Küchenprofi - BBQ oval grill / serving pan wooden board
The grill / serving pan by KÜCHENPROFI is ideal for preparing small dishes and side dishes on the grill and in the oven. The heat-storing material cast iron ensures that the food stays hot for a long time. Thanks to the wooden board, the pan can also be served stylishly at the table, while it is held securely in the trough. L 39,5 x W 19,5 cm Material: cast iron, pine wood professional quality optimal heat distribution especially energy saving is perfect for frying, boiling, simmering, cooking, marinating and food storage after cooking is a superior conductor of heat Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ square grill / serving pan wooden board
Küchenprofi - BBQ square grill / serving pan wooden board
The grill / serving pan by KÜCHENPROFI is ideal for preparing small dishes and side dishes on the grill and in the oven. The heat-storing material cast iron ensures that the food stays hot for a long time. Thanks to the wooden board, the pan can also be served stylishly at the table, while it is held securely in the trough. L 21,5 x W 12,5 x H 6 cm Material: cast iron, pine wood professional quality optimal heat distribution especially energy saving is perfect for frying, boiling, simmering, cooking, marinating and food storage after cooking is a superior conductor of heat Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - serving pan with 2 handles - with wooden board Küchenprofi - serving pan with 2 handles - with wooden board
Küchenprofi - serving pan with 2 handles - with wooden board
The serving pan by KÜCHENPROFI is ideal for preparing small dishes and side dishes on the grill and in the oven. The heat-storing material cast iron ensures that the food stays hot for a long time. Thanks to the wooden board, the pan can also be served stylishly at the table, while it is held securely in the trough. Measures: L 18.5 x W 24 cm x H 5.5 cm diameter: 16 cm Material: cast iron, pine wood professional quality optimal heat distribution especially energy saving is perfect for frying, boiling, simmering, cooking, marinating and food storage after cooking is a superior conductor of heat Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Küchenprofi - BBQ serving platter round with wooden board Küchenprofi - BBQ serving platter round with wooden board
Küchenprofi - BBQ serving platter round with wooden board
The stylish and sustainable solution for your next barbecue. In the BBQ grill/serving pan with wooden board by KÜCHENPROFI you can gently prepare smaller dishes and side dishes such as seafood, goat cheese with honey and rosemary or crunchy vegetables. The marinade remains on the grilled food, nothing drips into the open flame. The pans made of heat-retaining cast iron keep the food warm for a long time. They are solidly made and an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable aluminum pans. If the weather doesn't play along, the BBQ grill/serving pans go on the stove. They are suitable for all types of stoves and may of course also be used in the oven. If you fill a grill pan with zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and garlic, crumble feta cheese over it and serve a fresh baguette with it, you will have a Mediterranean atmosphere even without the sun. On the sturdy handle you transport the grill pan, the board of pine wood is ideal for serving in style. with wooden board for stylish serving for grill, oven and all types of stoves for Mediterranean flair size: L 27,5 cm W 26 cm H 3,5 cm   weight: 2 kg Material: cast iron, pine wood

23.87 %
Gefu - Cedar wood grill boards BBQ, 2 pieces Gefu - Cedar wood grill boards BBQ, 2 pieces
Gefu - Cedar wood grill boards BBQ, 2 pieces
For the special aroma, fish or meat are placed on the cedar wood grilling boards for grilling. This keeps the grilled food wonderfully tender. Before each application: let it soak completely under water for at least 2-3 hours (ideally overnight) ideal for fish, meat and vegetables for a distinctive smoke aroma Reusable many times Materials: cedar wood The new way of grilling: By grilling on Gefu's cedar wood grilling boards, also known as "plank grilling", you get fish, meat or vegetables an unmistakable smoky aroma and also remain wonderfully tender. For a gentle, aromatic grilling experience, simply soak the boards in cold water for 2-3 hours, place the food on top and then off to the grill.

€15.95* €20.95*
Küchenprofi - Ring Cleaner - 14 x12 cm Küchenprofi - Ring Cleaner - 14 x12 cm
Küchenprofi - Ring Cleaner - 14 x12 cm
Effortlessly remove stubborn stains from cookware and grill utensils made of untreated cast iron or wrought iron. This is possible with the ring cleaner from Küchenprofi. Cleaning without chemical additives Reusable and durable With practical ring for hanging Barbecue utensils made from untreated cast iron or wrought iron Effortless removal of stubborn dirt Weight: 0.08 kg Material: Stainless Steel Dimenisons: 14 × 12 cm KÜCHENPROFI, the brand for high-quality kitchen accessories combined with timeless design and high functionality. Our collections and products under the motto "The kitchen experience" focus on people and their needs, requirements and wishes. The range is characterised by numerous in-house developments created in close cooperation with renowned designers.

Küchenprofi - grill net BBQ Küchenprofi - grill net BBQ
Küchenprofi - grill net BBQ
From now on, shrimps, salmon fillets and grilled sausages will net for your optimal BBQ enjoyment. The KÜCHENPROFI grill net is ideal for grilling small foods and those that burn or fall apart quickly. Thanks to the unhindered air circulation, you can look forward to an all-round perfect result. The close-meshed grid structure also prevents your grilled food from slipping into the embers. The heat-resistant fibreglass mesh with high-quality non-stick coating is an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable barbecue trays, as it can be cut to size, easily cleaned and reused. Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer.

Le Creuset - Tongs with Silicone Tip - BBQ Tong Le Creuset - Tongs with Silicone Tip - BBQ Tong
Le Creuset - Tongs with Silicone Tip - BBQ Tong
Prepare and serve food with precision, using these handy tongs. They make all sorts of tricky kitchen tasks so much easier, from turning fried meat on the pan to stirring a stew. The silicone tips are heat resistant up to 250°C and won’t scratch your enamelled or non-stick pieces. Features 2 Sizes L 28 x B 3,5 cm L 36 x B 3,5 cm heat resistant right up to 250°C dishwasher-safe Material: Silicone, Stainless Steel

de Buyer - Stainless Steel Multi-Use Tong
de Buyer - Stainless Steel Multi-Use Tong
These stainless steel utility tongs have classic and aesthetically appealing tips in the shape of an oak leaf. Entirely made of out of stainless steel, they offer good resistance to bending. Designed for intense, professional use, they are sturdy, solid and durable. Practical, these utility tongs are ideal for serving numerous dishes such as salads, pieces of meat or even small pastries. They can also be used to cook with uncoated fry pans. Hygienic, they are easy to clean and dishwasher-safe. in 3 Sizes Material: stainless steel dishwasher safe

Gefu - Barbecue tongs NATURA  48 cm Gefu - Barbecue tongs NATURA  48 cm
Gefu - Barbecue tongs NATURA 48 cm
The wooden barbecue tongs are 48 cm long and ideally suitable for turn of your grillables over the embers resp. flame. The practical hanging loop facilitates the storage directly at the barbecue and therefore the barbecue tongs are always ready to hand. Thanks to wavy ends your grillables will be held safety. To protect the surface against marinades, fat of the meat, etc., please rub the surface with olive oil before using.practical hanging loopgrillables are held safely thanks to wavy endslength: 48 cmGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.In short, the sleek, innovative and practical design makes GEFU kitchen tools the perfect match for modern cuisine. Roasting thermometer, food mill, sparagus peeler, ravioli cutter or chopping board box, we have the right product for each recipe.

de Buyer - Set of 10 skewers - Stainless Steel de Buyer - Set of 10 skewers - Stainless Steel
de Buyer - Set of 10 skewers - Stainless Steel
They are robust and easily slice through meat and vegetables. Made of flat stainless steel wire, food doesn't slip off during cooking. Stainless steel skewer used for grilling. More hygienic and strong than wooden skewers. 2mm thickness: ultra-resistant skewers, undeformable and durable. Length of 25 to 40cm: eanbles the realisation of desired size skewers without the spike being too long. Pointed and tapered end for easy penetration of the skewers into the meat without tearing it or into fruit without squashing it. Made of flat stainless steel wire, food won’t slip off during cooking Easy gripping for both chefs and diners: rounded end for easy insertion of the index finger. Easy care: dishwasher-safe. In 4 Sizes

Gefu - Shesh-Kebab skewers PICCANTE, 4 pcs.
Gefu - Shesh-Kebab skewers PICCANTE, 4 pcs.
Shish kebab skewers are ideal for the preparation of meat, fish oder vegetable skewers on the barbecue or in the pan.for tasty meat or vegetable skewers4 pcs.Angularskewer prevents food from slipping offL 22,7 cm, W 2,5 cm, H 0,4 cmhigh-grade stainless steeldishwasher safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.

Gefu - Barbecue skewers, 2-piece set Gefu - Barbecue skewers, 2-piece set
Gefu - Barbecue skewers, 2-piece set
Gefu - Barbecue skewers, 2-piece setThese barbecue skewers are perfectly suited for meat, fish, vegetables and seafood. Just fill the double skewers just as you like and place them on the barbecue or in the pan. Thanks to the angular form the pieces remain in place without slipping. The integrated slider makes the food easy to remove, guaranteeing a full plate and a clean table.Integrated slider for easy removal of the grilled foodAngular double-prong skewer prevents food from slipping offLength: 32 cmMaterial: 18/10 stainless steelDishwasher-safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.In short, the sleek, innovative and practical design makes GEFU kitchen tools the perfect match for modern cuisine. Roasting thermometer, food mill, sparagus peeler, ravioli cutter or chopping board box, we have the right product for each recipe.

Küchenprofi - grill pan Austin BBQ Küchenprofi - grill pan Austin BBQ
Küchenprofi - grill pan Austin BBQ
Das 30x13cm große Grillpfännchen AUSTIN von Küchenprofi ist ideal für die Zubereitung kleiner Speisen und Beilagen. Mithilfe des abnehmbaren Holzgriffes kann die Pfanne auch am Tisch stilvoll serviert werden. Ohne Griff geeignet für Grill und Backofen. pan dimensions: L 18 x W 12,5 x H 7 cm Edelstahl stainless steel / bamboo Length: 30 cm Width: 12,5 cm Height: 7 cm Weight: 0,098 kg Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Zassenhaus - Steak knife set 4 pieces Zassenhaus - Steak knife set 4 pieces
Zassenhaus - Steak knife set 4 pieces
The steak knives from ZASSENHAUS bring perfect steak enjoyment. The differences in color and grain emphasize the natural character of the wooden handles. 4 knives in set special blade steel 3Cr13 handles made of pakka wood blade length: 13 cm length: 23 cm Enjoyment and quality of life are more related to kitchen and cooking than everything else. This includes the preparation, too. The aroma of fresh hand ground coffee, fresh peppercorns or spicy pepper remember of the past. Zassenhaus stands in this context all times with its coffee and spice mills. Passion and craftsmanship draw the Zassenhaus products, which impress with creative beauty, technical precision and innovation as well as sturdiness and stand for timeless elegance and aesthetics. Spices and coffee unfold through the processing of the various products of the Zassenhaus mill collection perfect their flavors.

Zwilling - Steak knife set 4 pcs Zwilling - Steak knife set 4 pcs
Zwilling - Steak knife set 4 pcs
The steak knife is suitable for effortlessly carving up roasted and grilled meat, including beef, pork or lamb. 4-piece steak knife set with high cutting power Blade length of 12 cm Made from stainless steel Ergonomically shaped handles made of durable ABS Three stainless steel rivets give the steak knives a classic look and durabilityThe ZWILLING brand has been synonymous with high-quality products since 1731 and is one of the world's oldest brands. Offering customers the very best kitchen products has always been ZWILLING's passion. It has always been the company's aim to use innovative techniques to produce the highest quality products in an appealing and timeless design - all the time evolving shaped, functions and processes. To achieve this, ZWILLING works together with renowned designers, who share ZWILLING's values and visions. The broad-based product range offers products for contemporary home kitchens - from knives and pots to frying pans, flatware and kitchen gadgets. The ZWILLING range is complemented by beauty implements for hand, foot and facial care. High-grade stainless steel products for manicures and pedicures, as well as hair scissors products for brand-conscious consumers and professional users. Cooking thus becomes a pleasure.

Gefu - Steak knife BBQ, Set of 4
Gefu - Steak knife BBQ, Set of 4
With the steak knife, you can cut thick pieces of steak as effortlessly as pizza or vegetables. Ideal for the next barbecue party. The handle fits well in the hand to cut perfectly with the steak knife.Also suitable for cutting pizza and vegetablesBlade length: 12.5 cmIce hardened serrated blade 420J2 stainless steelHandle made of plasticdishwasher safeGEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.

Culinaris - Steak Knife 13,5 cm | CB-03 Culinaris - Steak Knife 13,5 cm | CB-03
Culinaris - Steak Knife 13,5 cm | CB-03
The extra-sharp blade of the Culinaris steak knife not only does justice to a good beef steak, but also cuts all other types of meat without tearing the fibers. Therefore, it is an indispensable addition to any table or table as soon as meat is on the menu. The blades of the Culinaris chef's knife series are made of German blade steel, which is ground into a V-shape. The material is often used for kitchen knives and has a hardness of 56 - 58 HRC (Rockwell hardness). The blade steel guarantees a balanced ratio of edge retention, rust resistance and good resharpenability. The knives have an elegant and attractive design thanks to the triple-riveted handle made of black hard resin. The knives are supplied in an attractive anthracite-coloured gift box. Suitable for: Cutting grilled meat such as steaks German blade steel 1.4116 (guarantees a balanced ratio of edge retention, rust resistance and good resharpenability) V-cut (wedge cut) Rockwell hardness 56-58 HCR Handles made of black hard resin (Black G10), triple riveted Delivered in attractive anthracite-colored gift packaging Total length: 25.0 cm Blade length: 13.5 cm

Laguiole - Steak knife ebony
Laguiole - Steak knife ebony
The Laguiole-en-Aubrac hand-crafted cutlery is one of the players in the restoration of the cutlery tradition -which had died over time- in the Aubrac plateau of the Aveyron department. The revival of local manufacturing while remaining faithful to its traditional practices was the common thread that led the company to create a forge and its workshops in the historic area of Laguiole. By combining know-how and creativity, Laguiole en Aubrac has become a brand that holds high the colours of French cutlery internationally.The elegance of Laguiole’s original line allows Laguiole-en-Aubrac cutlers multiple variations. The variety and beauty of natural materials remain their main sources of inspiration. It also happens sometimes that the genius of men brings forth creations that revive the collective memory around mythical adventures such as those of the Concorde plane or the France liner. Laguiole en Aubrac guarantees artisanal manufacturing of its products in the historic area of Laguiole and they are attested by the LOG stamp (Laguiole Origine Garantie) engraved on the heel of the blade.The steak knives by Laguiole en Aubrac cut easily and smoothly Steaks and Fried. The set of 6 is delivered in a fine wooden box (dimensions: approx. 27.7 x 18.5 x 3.3 cm).Blade: 12C27 Sandvik-SteelBlade length: 11 cmOverall length: 24 cmHandles made of high-quality wood !Important! This is a natural product. Appearance of the handle may vary! Manual Ornament (Guillochage) of the blade and springNot dishwasher safe - too much moisture damages handle, blade and the mechanics of your knifeWarranty: The Laguiole en Aubrac factory provides a lifetime warranty and a free repair servicePlease note: Due to the costly customization of each Laguiole en Aubrac products may lead to an extended delivery time, should we not have these in stock. Please inquire about product availability by e-mail to or phone!Once upon a time was the LaguioleThis humble farmer’s knife was first created in 1829, in Laguiole, a small mountain village of the Aveyron, in southwestern France. The bee decorating the spring plate would eventually become the prestigious symbol of France’s most celebrated knife.The first Laguiole knives were inspired by the Arabo-Hispanic knife, the Navaja. Local men who migrated to Spain in winter as pit-sawyers brought this knife back as souvenirs. Local cutlers and tinkers blended the Navaja with a local knife of the time, the Capouchadou, thus creating what came to be known as the Laguiole.The knives of today have a spring-stop that protects the blade upon closing. But when folding his knife, the connaisseur will do so softly,thus respecting both the Aveyronnais proverb, “ressort silencieux vivra vieux” “silent springs make better lives” and the tradition according to which only the head of the household was allowed to snap his blade shut, thus asking the family to clear the table..A forge to return to local manufacturing.The renaissance of the manufacture of the Laguiole knife in its historic area, goes back to the 1980s. This traditional activity had gone through a decline from the 1920s, faced with the industrialisation of cutlery in the basin of the city of Thiers.At that time, anxious to be able to manufacture respecting local artisan tradition, LAGUIOLE EN AUBRAC created a forge in the small village of Montézic, located a few kilometres from Laguiole. Three other cutlery artisans came along from the beginning of this initiative.The work done at the forge of LAGUIOLE AUBRAC produces all the metal elements that make up the knife before arriving in the hands of the cutlers who will undertake polishing and the finishing stage, such as the engraving and decoration of blades and springs, etc.The work of stainless steel and brass, from raw state to the cutting of bolsters and side-plates.Massive bolsters and plates are cut in dies manufactured locally. Bolsters are cut in dies from brass bars. Having the property of reinforcing the handle, bolsters are fixed manually on the plate (mitrage). Bolsters are then drilled, which will allow the assembly of the knife with nails also made of brass. This principle also applies to new materials, such as brushed or polished stainless steel.The work of steel: the blade, the spring plate, the bee, the awl.Different types of steel blades:The so-called "carbon steel" sharpens very easily and keeps and excellent sharp edge for a long time. It is very "tender" and wears out quickly. It darkens and rusts.Le "12C27 SANDWIK" is a steel that has the advantages of "carbon steel" without the disadvantages. It sharpens very easily (soft steel) and keeps an excellent edge for a long time. It does not rust.

Laguiole - Steak knife pistachio
Laguiole - Steak knife pistachio
The Laguiole-en-Aubrac hand-crafted cutlery is one of the players in the restoration of the cutlery tradition -which had died over time- in the Aubrac plateau of the Aveyron department. The revival of local manufacturing while remaining faithful to its traditional practices was the common thread that led the company to create a forge and its workshops in the historic area of Laguiole. By combining know-how and creativity, Laguiole en Aubrac has become a brand that holds high the colours of French cutlery internationally.The elegance of Laguiole’s original line allows Laguiole-en-Aubrac cutlers multiple variations. The variety and beauty of natural materials remain their main sources of inspiration. It also happens sometimes that the genius of men brings forth creations that revive the collective memory around mythical adventures such as those of the Concorde plane or the France liner. Laguiole en Aubrac guarantees artisanal manufacturing of its products in the historic area of Laguiole and they are attested by the LOG stamp (Laguiole Origine Garantie) engraved on the heel of the blade.The steak knives by Laguiole en Aubrac cut easily and smoothly Steaks and Fried. The set of 6 is delivered in a fine wooden box (dimensions: approx. 27.7 x 18.5 x 3.3 cm).Blade: 12C27 Sandvik-SteelBlade length: 11 cmOverall length: 24 cmHandles made of high-quality wood !Important! This is a natural product. Appearance of the handle may vary! Manual Ornament (Guillochage) of the blade and springNot dishwasher safe - too much moisture damages handle, blade and the mechanics of your knifeWarranty: The Laguiole en Aubrac factory provides a lifetime warranty and a free repair servicePlease note: Due to the costly customization of each Laguiole en Aubrac products may lead to an extended delivery time, should we not have these in stock. Please inquire about product availability by e-mail to or phone!Once upon a time was the LaguioleThis humble farmer’s knife was first created in 1829, in Laguiole, a small mountain village of the Aveyron, in southwestern France. The bee decorating the spring plate would eventually become the prestigious symbol of France’s most celebrated knife.The first Laguiole knives were inspired by the Arabo-Hispanic knife, the Navaja. Local men who migrated to Spain in winter as pit-sawyers brought this knife back as souvenirs. Local cutlers and tinkers blended the Navaja with a local knife of the time, the Capouchadou, thus creating what came to be known as the Laguiole.The knives of today have a spring-stop that protects the blade upon closing. But when folding his knife, the connaisseur will do so softly,thus respecting both the Aveyronnais proverb, “ressort silencieux vivra vieux” “silent springs make better lives” and the tradition according to which only the head of the household was allowed to snap his blade shut, thus asking the family to clear the table..A forge to return to local manufacturing.The renaissance of the manufacture of the Laguiole knife in its historic area, goes back to the 1980s. This traditional activity had gone through a decline from the 1920s, faced with the industrialisation of cutlery in the basin of the city of Thiers.At that time, anxious to be able to manufacture respecting local artisan tradition, LAGUIOLE EN AUBRAC created a forge in the small village of Montézic, located a few kilometres from Laguiole. Three other cutlery artisans came along from the beginning of this initiative.The work done at the forge of LAGUIOLE AUBRAC produces all the metal elements that make up the knife before arriving in the hands of the cutlers who will undertake polishing and the finishing stage, such as the engraving and decoration of blades and springs, etc.The work of stainless steel and brass, from raw state to the cutting of bolsters and side-plates.Massive bolsters and plates are cut in dies manufactured locally. Bolsters are cut in dies from brass bars. Having the property of reinforcing the handle, bolsters are fixed manually on the plate (mitrage). Bolsters are then drilled, which will allow the assembly of the knife with nails also made of brass. This principle also applies to new materials, such as brushed or polished stainless steel.The work of steel: the blade, the spring plate, the bee, the awl.Different types of steel blades:The so-called "carbon steel" sharpens very easily and keeps and excellent sharp edge for a long time. It is very "tender" and wears out quickly. It darkens and rusts.Le "12C27 SANDWIK" is a steel that has the advantages of "carbon steel" without the disadvantages. It sharpens very easily (soft steel) and keeps an excellent edge for a long time. It does not rust.

Laguiole - Steak knife juniper
Laguiole - Steak knife juniper
The Laguiole-en-Aubrac hand-crafted cutlery is one of the players in the restoration of the cutlery tradition -which had died over time- in the Aubrac plateau of the Aveyron department. The revival of local manufacturing while remaining faithful to its traditional practices was the common thread that led the company to create a forge and its workshops in the historic area of Laguiole. By combining know-how and creativity, Laguiole en Aubrac has become a brand that holds high the colours of French cutlery internationally.The elegance of Laguiole’s original line allows Laguiole-en-Aubrac cutlers multiple variations. The variety and beauty of natural materials remain their main sources of inspiration. It also happens sometimes that the genius of men brings forth creations that revive the collective memory around mythical adventures such as those of the Concorde plane or the France liner. Laguiole en Aubrac guarantees artisanal manufacturing of its products in the historic area of Laguiole and they are attested by the LOG stamp (Laguiole Origine Garantie) engraved on the heel of the blade.The steak knives by Laguiole en Aubrac cut easily and smoothly Steaks and Fried. The set of 6 is delivered in a fine wooden box (dimensions: approx. 27.7 x 18.5 x 3.3 cm).Blade: 12C27 Sandvik-SteelBlade length: 11 cmOverall length: 24 cmHandles made of high-quality wood !Important! This is a natural product. Appearance of the handle may vary! Manual Ornament (Guillochage) of the blade and springNot dishwasher safe - too much moisture damages handle, blade and the mechanics of your knifeWarranty: The Laguiole en Aubrac factory provides a lifetime warranty and a free repair servicePlease note: Due to the costly customization of each Laguiole en Aubrac products may lead to an extended delivery time, should we not have these in stock. Please inquire about product availability by e-mail to or phone!Once upon a time was the LaguioleThis humble farmer’s knife was first created in 1829, in Laguiole, a small mountain village of the Aveyron, in southwestern France. The bee decorating the spring plate would eventually become the prestigious symbol of France’s most celebrated knife.The first Laguiole knives were inspired by the Arabo-Hispanic knife, the Navaja. Local men who migrated to Spain in winter as pit-sawyers brought this knife back as souvenirs. Local cutlers and tinkers blended the Navaja with a local knife of the time, the Capouchadou, thus creating what came to be known as the Laguiole.The knives of today have a spring-stop that protects the blade upon closing. But when folding his knife, the connaisseur will do so softly,thus respecting both the Aveyronnais proverb, “ressort silencieux vivra vieux” “silent springs make better lives” and the tradition according to which only the head of the household was allowed to snap his blade shut, thus asking the family to clear the table..A forge to return to local manufacturing.The renaissance of the manufacture of the Laguiole knife in its historic area, goes back to the 1980s. This traditional activity had gone through a decline from the 1920s, faced with the industrialisation of cutlery in the basin of the city of Thiers.At that time, anxious to be able to manufacture respecting local artisan tradition, LAGUIOLE EN AUBRAC created a forge in the small village of Montézic, located a few kilometres from Laguiole. Three other cutlery artisans came along from the beginning of this initiative.The work done at the forge of LAGUIOLE AUBRAC produces all the metal elements that make up the knife before arriving in the hands of the cutlers who will undertake polishing and the finishing stage, such as the engraving and decoration of blades and springs, etc.The work of stainless steel and brass, from raw state to the cutting of bolsters and side-plates.Massive bolsters and plates are cut in dies manufactured locally. Bolsters are cut in dies from brass bars. Having the property of reinforcing the handle, bolsters are fixed manually on the plate (mitrage). Bolsters are then drilled, which will allow the assembly of the knife with nails also made of brass. This principle also applies to new materials, such as brushed or polished stainless steel.The work of steel: the blade, the spring plate, the bee, the awl.Different types of steel blades:The so-called "carbon steel" sharpens very easily and keeps and excellent sharp edge for a long time. It is very "tender" and wears out quickly. It darkens and rusts.Le "12C27 SANDWIK" is a steel that has the advantages of "carbon steel" without the disadvantages. It sharpens very easily (soft steel) and keeps an excellent edge for a long time. It does not rust.

Laguiole - Steak knife olive
Laguiole - Steak knife olive
The Laguiole-en-Aubrac hand-crafted cutlery is one of the players in the restoration of the cutlery tradition -which had died over time- in the Aubrac plateau of the Aveyron department. The revival of local manufacturing while remaining faithful to its traditional practices was the common thread that led the company to create a forge and its workshops in the historic area of Laguiole. By combining know-how and creativity, Laguiole en Aubrac has become a brand that holds high the colours of French cutlery internationally.The elegance of Laguiole’s original line allows Laguiole-en-Aubrac cutlers multiple variations. The variety and beauty of natural materials remain their main sources of inspiration. It also happens sometimes that the genius of men brings forth creations that revive the collective memory around mythical adventures such as those of the Concorde plane or the France liner. Laguiole en Aubrac guarantees artisanal manufacturing of its products in the historic area of Laguiole and they are attested by the LOG stamp (Laguiole Origine Garantie) engraved on the heel of the blade.The steak knives by Laguiole en Aubrac cut easily and smoothly Steaks and Fried. The set of 6 is delivered in a fine wooden box (dimensions: approx. 27.7 x 18.5 x 3.3 cm).Blade: 12C27 Sandvik-SteelBlade length: 11 cmOverall length: 24 cmHandles made of high-quality wood !Important! This is a natural product. Appearance of the handle may vary! Manual Ornament (Guillochage) of the blade and springNot dishwasher safe - too much moisture damages handle, blade and the mechanics of your knifeWarranty: The Laguiole en Aubrac factory provides a lifetime warranty and a free repair servicePlease note: Due to the costly customization of each Laguiole en Aubrac products may lead to an extended delivery time, should we not have these in stock. Please inquire about product availability by e-mail to or phone!Once upon a time was the LaguioleThis humble farmer’s knife was first created in 1829, in Laguiole, a small mountain village of the Aveyron, in southwestern France. The bee decorating the spring plate would eventually become the prestigious symbol of France’s most celebrated knife.The first Laguiole knives were inspired by the Arabo-Hispanic knife, the Navaja. Local men who migrated to Spain in winter as pit-sawyers brought this knife back as souvenirs. Local cutlers and tinkers blended the Navaja with a local knife of the time, the Capouchadou, thus creating what came to be known as the Laguiole.The knives of today have a spring-stop that protects the blade upon closing. But when folding his knife, the connaisseur will do so softly,thus respecting both the Aveyronnais proverb, “ressort silencieux vivra vieux” “silent springs make better lives” and the tradition according to which only the head of the household was allowed to snap his blade shut, thus asking the family to clear the table..A forge to return to local manufacturing.The renaissance of the manufacture of the Laguiole knife in its historic area, goes back to the 1980s. This traditional activity had gone through a decline from the 1920s, faced with the industrialisation of cutlery in the basin of the city of Thiers.At that time, anxious to be able to manufacture respecting local artisan tradition, LAGUIOLE EN AUBRAC created a forge in the small village of Montézic, located a few kilometres from Laguiole. Three other cutlery artisans came along from the beginning of this initiative.The work done at the forge of LAGUIOLE AUBRAC produces all the metal elements that make up the knife before arriving in the hands of the cutlers who will undertake polishing and the finishing stage, such as the engraving and decoration of blades and springs, etc.The work of stainless steel and brass, from raw state to the cutting of bolsters and side-plates.Massive bolsters and plates are cut in dies manufactured locally. Bolsters are cut in dies from brass bars. Having the property of reinforcing the handle, bolsters are fixed manually on the plate (mitrage). Bolsters are then drilled, which will allow the assembly of the knife with nails also made of brass. This principle also applies to new materials, such as brushed or polished stainless steel.The work of steel: the blade, the spring plate, the bee, the awl.Different types of steel blades:The so-called "carbon steel" sharpens very easily and keeps and excellent sharp edge for a long time. It is very "tender" and wears out quickly. It darkens and rusts.Le "12C27 SANDWIK" is a steel that has the advantages of "carbon steel" without the disadvantages. It sharpens very easily (soft steel) and keeps an excellent edge for a long time. It does not rust.

Zassenhaus - Larding knife 12cm - CLASSIC
Zassenhaus - Larding knife 12cm - CLASSIC
The Larding knife, made using traditional craftsmanship in combination with selected woods, will delight professional and amateur chefs alike. Each piece of wood is unique and one-of-a-kind due to the grain. The handles are very hard and robust - just like the ice-hardened blades. Forged blade Stainless blade steel Chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steel (X50 CrMoV 15) Durable corrosion resistance and edge retention Specially ice-hardened, hand-ground and finely polished by hand honing Ergonomic handle shape for comfortable and precise cutting Made in Solingen using traditional forging techniques

Zwilling - Pro - Meat fork
Zwilling - Pro - Meat fork
Functionality has never looked better: all kitchen gadgets in the Pro series from ZWILLING were developed by the award-winning designers Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez and are characterized by their wonderfully minimalist and timeless design. The stainless steel meat fork is partly matted and partly satined. This creates an interesting contrast between glossy and matt surfaces. The handle is adapted to the ergonomics of the human hand and has a large eyelet with which the fork can be hung on various hooks. Thanks to the long, sharpened tines, the work is particularly easy and you can not only take the roast out and hold it comfortably, but also test whether it is cooked in a way that is gentle on the meat. All of the ZWILLING Pro series cutlery can be safely cleaned in the dishwasher. Minimalist design by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez Made from high quality, rustproof stainless steel Ergonomically shaped handles for fatigue-free work with flowing transitions for special hygiene Dishwasher safe For picking up or turning pieces of meat, for holding while carving and for checking the cooking status Product length: 33,4 cm Handle length: 12,5 cm Material: 18/10 stainless steel

Gefu - Digital thermometer BBQ Gefu - Digital thermometer BBQ
Gefu - Digital thermometer BBQ
The digital thermometer is handy and precise. The temperature is shown on the display either in Celsius or Fahrenheit.Temperature display optionally in °C or °F-40°C to 200°C / -40°F to 392°Fpractical hanging loopIncludes three LR44 button cell batteriesDimensions: Ø 1.7 cm, H 23.6 cmMaterial: high quality stainless steelWhether on the grill, in the casserole or in the oven: the digital thermometer is the indispensable assistant for achieving perfect cooking results! The red temperature display tells you exactly how far the cooking process has progressed inside the suckling pig or T-bone steak - either in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Thanks to the practical hanging loop, it is always ready to hand on the grill or the kitchen rail.GEFU - With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist Nearly 70 years of know how make GEFU a specialist of high quality kitchen tools. The head office of this innovative mid size and growing company is located in Eslohe, Sauerland.Cooking is more than just peeling potatoes, washing vegetables or roasting meat. Cooking is a passion that inspires us provided we use the perfect designed kitchen tools. You do not have to be a culinary artist, but you easily might become one! Staying true to our motto With GEFU everybody becomes a culinary artist - we offer products that will convince you through easy handling, functional added value and timeless design.In short, the sleek, innovative and practical design makes GEFU kitchen tools the perfect match for modern cuisine. Roasting thermometer, food mill, sparagus peeler, ravioli cutter or chopping board box, we have the right product for each recipe.

Küchenprofi - Digital thermometer QUICK
Küchenprofi - Digital thermometer QUICK
For measuring core temperature Fast reaction time LC display Button cell enclosed Display selectable ° C / ° F Measuring range: -50 ° C to + 200 ° C Length: 19,9 cm Width: 2.2 cm Height: 2 cm Weight: 0.06 kg Material: Plastic Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer. Our products make feel like cooking!

Gefu - Roast and oven thermometer Gefu - Roast and oven thermometer
Gefu - Roast and oven thermometer
The ingenious solution for precise grilling, roasting and smoking. Precise digital temperature and cooking control through highly sensitive measuring technology in combination with the EasyBBQ app: Simply smart grilling.including two probesintegrated magnet for attachment to the oven flap or the grillapp-controlled with a range of up to 60 meters in real-time transmissioneasily readable digital temperature display can also be used without an appmeasurements from 0 ° C to + 300 ° Cauch fürs Räuchern geeignetincl. 2 AA batteriessize probe: l 15 cm, w 1.5 cm, h 0.1 cmsize: l 8.0 cm, w 11.5 cm, h 2.5 cmmaterial: plasticdishwasher safeGefu recommends:the EasyBBQ app for Android and iPhone:- pre-programmed for 7 types of meat, fish, smoker and smoking- 5 different cooking points from rare to well done- plenty of space for your own ideas and settings- practical timer function Perfect temperature control is essential Oh, to grill, roast and smoke with pinpoint accuracy like a professional. The highly sensitive probe of the CONTROL + grill and roast thermometer measures the precise meat temperature during the entire cooking process; the digital controller attached to the oven or grill makes it easy to read. Thanks to the 6-channel control of CONTROL +, you can keep an eye on up to six foods at the same time. But CONTROL + can do even more: with the self-explanatory Easy BBQ app, it can be connected to any Android smartphone or iPhone and thus becomes the perfect digital grill assistant with real-time transmission. In this way, you can keep control of the grill and oven at any time and anywhere, even while you are looking after your dear guests.

Gefu - Additional probe CONTROL + Gefu - Additional probe CONTROL +
Gefu - Additional probe CONTROL +
Additional probe for the vessel - grill and roast thermometer CONTROL + with 6 channels (21940).highly sensitive probe for perfect resultsincluding 4 color markingsmeasurements from 0 ° C to + 300 ° Csize: l 15.0 cm, w 1.5 cm, h 1.0 cmmaterial: high quality stainless steel

Küchenprofi - roast and grill thermometer - SMART Küchenprofi - roast and grill thermometer - SMART
Küchenprofi - roast and grill thermometer - SMART
Küchenprofi - roast and grill thermometer Precise measuring probe from 0 °C to 300 °C Also suitable for controlling the temperature of Grill or oven With magnet Our recommendation: ToGrill app Incl. 2 1.5 V AAA batteries Kitchen Professional

Küchenprofi - Roasting thermometer Oven / frying - black Küchenprofi - Roasting thermometer Oven / frying - black
Küchenprofi - Roasting thermometer Oven / frying - black
When the meat is by really? The roasting thermometer puts an end to insecurity and embarrassing moments on the set table. Frying temperature: 30 ° C to 100 ° C Furnace temperature: 50 ° C to 250 ° C For low temperature Incl. Adjustable clip In gift wrapping Length: 7,4 cm Width: 7,2 cm Height: 113.2 cm Weight: 0.075 kg Material: stainless steel Küchenprofi (kitchen professional) - The brand for high quality kitchen accessories combining timeless design and high functionality with. Küchenprofi sets the focus on the requirements and demands of the consumer.

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